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App Volumes 2111 - detach is slow

Since I upgraded App Volumes to version 2111, I noticed that the detach process for appstacks is a lot slower then before. It takes about 4-5 minutes to detach the appstacks where previously it was a couple of seconds.

In the mean time users are not able to login to their VDI because VMware Horizon still has an active connection for this user.

Did anybody see this behaviour?

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3 Replies

What happens if you try with a new user, I'm not at that version yet, but I've seen logoffs slow down due to user profiles with can effect the detach I think.

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Hi @sjesse 

I tried already with a new user and it has the same effect.

Without ataching appstacks the logoff is fast. When 1 or more appstacks are attached the logoff is slow.

I can see in vcenter that it takes a long time until the VDI is reconfigured (= apstack disk is detached). Once the appstack disk is detached the logoff happens in seconds.

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I opened a Support Request with VMware for this. 

If support finds something I'll post it here.

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