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Appstack with IIS hosted Application

Hi guys

Since I haven't found any clues yet, I'll try my luck here in asking and hopefully get some more results.

I have pretty weird behavior, I provisioned an appstack with an IIS Installation and an App that utilizes the IIS.
After installation on the provisioning machine, I tested everything, and IIS Manager was opening fine, configs were all correct and the website could be opened.

Now when I attach the appstack to a machine I can't directly open up IIS Manager anymore, because I get the message that it has been blocked by an administrator. But that is not really an issue, since I can circumvent this by pointing the shortcut to the actual iis.mmc. BUT once opened I can't see any websites because the config could not be loaded and services are not started. A quick look into C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config showed me that my original applicationhost.config got renamed to applicationhost.config.bak and a new applicationhost.config has been created which is nearly identical to the original except for a few config errors which render the file broken.

My question is, has anybody encountered any similar problems and/or has an idea what could be causing this? Because I would need to go into the config folder, delete the new config, rename the original one back and start all services. As I don't want to explain to everybody using the appstack what to do, I would rather have a more universal solution or at least a workaround that cleans up the mess automatically once the appstack is attached.

I'm using App Volumes Agent
App Volumes Server
Horizon 7.7.0 build 11038474

Oh and even if I was lurking for a long time now, this is my actual first post, so hello community o/ 


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I found the issue finally! 

It was the post_prov.bat script that had the local "enabledelayedexpansion" set. The problem with that setting is that there is a sanitizing part in the batch file which commented a tag in the applicationhost.config but because of the delayed expansion the "<!-- " became "<--" and therefore corrupted the config file.

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I found the issue finally! 

It was the post_prov.bat script that had the local "enabledelayedexpansion" set. The problem with that setting is that there is a sanitizing part in the batch file which commented a tag in the applicationhost.config but because of the delayed expansion the "<!-- " became "<--" and therefore corrupted the config file.

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