VMware Horizon Community
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Multiple virtual printers a no-go?

We have an issue where if two separate stack have a virtual printer in them, when assigned together they lead to a 3 minute delayed logon.  So Adobe Acrobat is fine on it's own, Bullzip PDF is fine on it's own, SnagIt is fine on it's own, but add any of the two together in any way and BOOM, long logon time.  Interestingly, all apps work, even when assigned at the same time, once the user is put into the desktop.

So, aside from dev magic to fix the issue, is there a way to change the timeout value?  If it's all going to work, I'd just as soon not wait 3 minutes to find out.

Using v2.5.2 Agent with the 2.5.1 template.

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4 Replies
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Just a follow up to say that the long logon time isn't a symptom of trying to attach multiple virtual printers.  We've sorted that out.

However, multiple virtual printers still don't actually work.  If Adobe Acrobat Pro and Bullzip PDF are attached, only one of the virtual printers will show up.  Didn't make a difference updating to Agent 2.6.0, either.

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My understanding was that they implemented a new setting that would restart the spooler after every Appstack attach that had a printer installed. What happens if you manually reset the print spooler after logging in? And would it be feasible to have a restart of the print spooler in the startup folder in the startmenu for forcing it?

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Depends on how they handle the windows drivers also. Having done Unidesk, PVD, and (UGH) Mirage, how the drivers with multiple printers are handled (or even other devices) in various layers is key. something about their directory and registry settings needing merging. Might not work unless AppVolumes agent is doing that post mounting of the app stack.

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I'm having issues deploying Snagit in an AppStack. Well, it's more after it's been captured and deployed to a desktop/user. It doesn't seem to work and crashes. Did you do anything specific to get Snagit to work? I included it in an AppStack with other common apps like Flash, WinZip, etc.

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