VMware Cloud Community

WinFLR fails in advanced mode

Hi all,

I never could mount VMs with WinFLR in advanced mode I always get an error when I tried to Log in(in standard mode it worked fine!), yesterday I update to the last version .

Now when I try to see all my virtual machines in works! I can see them! but when I try to mount one of them I get this error:  Any idea what's wrong?

05/18/2011 10:24:53  > Using 32-bit driver
05/18/2011 10:24:55  > Vix Info:  VixDiskLib: config options: libdir 'DisklibPlugin', tmpDir 'C:\DOCUME~1\CHRIST~1.CHR\CONFIG~1\Temp\vmware-christian'.
05/18/2011 10:24:56  > Vix Info:  VixDiskLib: Advanced transport plugin was successfully loaded into vixDiskLib. Accelerated transport modes available.
05/18/2011 10:24:56  > Vix Info:  VixDiskLib: Cannot find transport switch implementation in library DisklibPlugin\plugins\disklibplugin.dll.
05/18/2011 10:24:56  > Vix Info:  VMware VixDiskLib (1.1) Release build-207031
05/18/2011 10:24:56  > Vix Info:  Using system libcrypto, version 90811F
05/18/2011 10:24:57  > Vix Info:  Mntapi_Init Asked - 1.0 Served - 1.0 was successful,TempDirectory: C:\DOCUME~1\CHRIST~1.CHR\CONFIG~1\Temp\vmware-christian-1003.
05/18/2011 10:25:24  > Vix Warn:  VdrGetNfcTicket: Failed to connect to "172.xx.xx.xx" as "christian", error 1104
05/18/2011 10:25:30  > Vix Warn:  VdrGetNfcTicket: Failed to connect to "172.xx.xx.xx" as "christian", error 1104
05/18/2011 10:25:55  > Vix Warn:  vcdrPluginInitPrivate: internal exception was caught: "Connect::BeginSession: failed to authenticate"
05/18/2011 10:25:56  > Vix Info:  DISKLIB-LINK  : "vdr://vdr://vdrip:172.xx.xx.xx<</>>vcuser:<</>>vcpass:<</>>vcsrvr:<</>>vmuuid:<</>>destid:25<</>>sessdate:129480120000000000<</>>datastore:LUN3<</>>vmdk_name:xico-gerp-real.vmdk<</>>oppid:" : failed to open (Unknown error). 
05/18/2011 10:25:56  > Vix Info:  DISKLIB-CHAIN : "vdr://vdr://vdrip:172.xx.xx.xx<</>>vcuser:<</>>vcpass:<</>>vcsrvr:<</>>vmuuid:<</>>destid:25<</>>sessdate:129480120000000000<</>>datastore:LUN3<</>>vmdk_name:xico-gerp-real.vmdk<</>>oppid:" : failed to open (Unknown error).
05/18/2011 10:25:56  > Vix Info:  DISKLIB-LIB   : Failed to open 'vdr://vdr://vdrip:172.xx.xx.xx<</>>vcuser:<</>>vcpass:<</>>vcsrvr:<</>>vmuuid:<</>>destid:25<</>>sessdate:129480120000000000<</>>datastore:LUN3<</>>vmdk_name:xico-gerp-real.vmdk<</>>oppid:' with flags 0x1e (Unknown error).
05/18/2011 10:25:56  > Vix Warn:  OpenDisks: Cannot open disk error: 1
05/18/2011 10:25:56  > Vix Warn:  VdrVixMount: Cannot open disk error: 1
05/18/2011 10:25:56  > Exception: "VixMount: VIX_E_FAIL"
                       >    en RestoreClient.Api.ThrowError(String location, VixError result)
                       >    en RestoreClient.Api.VixMount(SessionFileItem[] sesVmdk, Int32& mntHandle, String& mntPoint, String vcServerAddress, String vcUser, String vcPassword)
                       >    en RestoreClient.MainView.<>c__DisplayClass9.<MountVmdkEntry>b__7()

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