VMware Cloud Community

Convert fail -- UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.NfcConnectionFault)

I tried to convert from SPF file (by Shadow Protect, SPF is from Windows 2000 Advanced Server) with VMware Converter 3.0.3,

but it failed and output following error log.

Why did converter fail?

and teach me how to clear this issue.

-(C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-temp\vmware-client-3.log)-

Log for VMware Converter Client, pid=2256, version=3.0.3, build=build-89816, option=Release, section=2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'App' 3824 info\] Current working directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\デスクトップ

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'Libs' 3824 info\] HOSTINFO: Seeing Intel CPU, numCoresPerCPU 2 numThreadsPerCore 1.

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'Libs' 3824 info\] HOSTINFO: numPhysCPUs is 0, bumping to 1.

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'Libs' 3824 info\] HOSTINFO: This machine has 1 physical CPUS, 1 total cores, and 1 logical CPUs.

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'ThreadPool' 3824 verbose\] TaskMax=15, IoMin=1, IoMax=31

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[p2vSupport,184\] P2V logger created

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'App' 3824 verbose\] \[,0\] Skipping NFC initialization during Sysimgbase_Init!

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[p2vSupport,201\] Initialize sysimgbase without NFC/SSL.

\[2008-06-25 12:59:21.250 'Libs' 3824 info\] System libeay32.dll library is older than our library (90709F < 9070AF)

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.515 'App' 3824 info\] Vmacore::InitSSL: doVersionCheck = true, handshakeTimeoutUs = 120000000

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.515 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[p2vSupport,207\] SSL context created

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.515 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[p2vSupport,217\] AppInit completed

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.515 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,69\] This product Hard Expires: false

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.578 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[jobManager,469\] Deserializing the job manager's state

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.578 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[jobManager,577\] Deserializing

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.578 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,232\] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.578 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,247\] License job Success !

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,239\] Deserializing the individual jobs from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000001.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 1 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 1

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 1

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000002.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 2 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000003.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 3 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.593 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000004.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 4 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 4

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 4

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000005.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 5 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 5

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 5

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000006.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 6 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 6

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 6

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000007.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 7 changing state from -1 to 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 7

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 7

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000008.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 8 changing state from -1 to 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 8

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 8

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000009.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.609 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 9 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 9

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 9

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000010.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 10 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 10

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 10

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.625 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000011.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 11 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 11

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 11

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000012.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 12 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 12

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 12

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000013.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 13 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 13

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 13

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000014.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 14 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 14

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 14

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000015.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 15 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 15

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 15

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000016.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 16 changing state from -1 to 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 16

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 16

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000017.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 17 changing state from -1 to 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 17

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 17

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000018.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 18 changing state from -1 to 4

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 18 changing state from 4 to 5

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 18

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 18

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000019.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 19 changing state from -1 to 2

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 19

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 19

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000020.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 20 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 20

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 20

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000021.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 21 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 21

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 21

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000022.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 22 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 22

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 22

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000023.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 23 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 23

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 23

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobDeserializationTask,184\] Archive file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000024.xml

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.640 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 24 changing state from -1 to 3

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.656 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 24

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.656 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 24

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.656 'P2V' 3484 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.656 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.656 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.656 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,430\] Raising deserialization done event (7)

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.734 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,232\] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

\[2008-06-25 12:59:22.734 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,247\] License job Success !

\[2008-06-25 12:59:27.859 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,232\] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

\[2008-06-25 12:59:27.859 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,247\] License job Success !

\[2008-06-25 12:59:27.859 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,232\] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

\[2008-06-25 12:59:27.859 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[p2vLicenseManager,247\] License job Success !

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'P2V' 3556 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'ClientConnection' 3556 info\] Connecting to
.\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb, use SSL: true

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'ClientConnection' 3556 info\] Successfully connected to

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'VmdbSvc' 3556 verbose\] Connected to stream: SSL(\[class Vmacore::System::NamedPipeClientStreamWin32:02BDC3C0\])

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.750 'Libs' 3388 warning\] \[Vmdb_Unset\] Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.765 'ClientConnection' 3556 info\] Making sure that UFAD interface has version vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-89816

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.781 'ClientConnection' 3556 info\] UFAD interface version is vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-89816

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.796 'P2V' 3556 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.796 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.796 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.812 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[ufaSession,46\] QuerySourceInfo called

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.812 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.812 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.812 'P2V' 3556 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.812 'P2V' 3556 info\] \[ufaTask,200\] Successfully connected to VMImporter

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.828 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109\] Successfully connected to VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task \[2008-06-25 12:59:37.843 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817\] Start managed object method for task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.843 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task \[2008-06-25 12:59:37.843 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.843 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task \[2008-06-25 12:59:37.843 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task

\[2008-06-25 12:59:37.843 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:01:52.828 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886\] Remote task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task completed

\[2008-06-25 13:01:52.828 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:01:52.828 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:01:52.828 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515\] Cleaning up remote task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:01:52.843 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201\] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:01:52.906 'P2V' 3556 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:01:52.906 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:01:52.906 'P2V' 3556 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:02:10.171 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:02:10.171 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:02:10.171 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:02:10.171 'App' 3388 info\] \[rpcConnectionWrapper,987\] Initializing SSL context

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'Libs' 3388 warning\] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Subject mismatch: vss01 vs

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'Libs' 3388 warning\] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

  • The host name used for the connection does not match the subject name on the host certificate

  • A certificate in the host's chain is based on an untrusted root.

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'Libs' 3388 warning\] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[vimAPI\]Checking if vim2 is compatible with vim25

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[vimAPI\]Checking if vim2 is compatible with vim2

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'GetInventory' 3388 info\] Connecting to host on port 443 using protocol https

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'Libs' 3388 warning\] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Subject mismatch: vss01 vs

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'Libs' 3388 warning\] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

  • The host name used for the connection does not match the subject name on the host certificate

  • A certificate in the host's chain is based on an untrusted root.

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.296 'Libs' 3388 warning\] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.343 'GetInventory' 3388 info\] Authenticating user root

\[2008-06-25 13:02:15.515 'GetInventory' 3388 info\] Logged in!

\[2008-06-25 13:02:16.500 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:02:16.500 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:02:16.500 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.578 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[ufaSession,61\] GetTargetDiskSize called

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.593 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.593 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.593 'P2V' 2172 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.593 'P2V' 2172 info\] \[ufaTask,200\] Successfully connected to VMImporter

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.609 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109\] Successfully connected to VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:02:22.625 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817\] Start managed object method for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.625 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:02:22.625 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.625 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:02:22.625 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:02:22.625 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:03:26.718 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:03:26.718 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515\] Cleaning up remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:03:26.718 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886\] Remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task completed

\[2008-06-25 13:03:26.734 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201\] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:03:30.015 'P2V' 2172 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:03:30.015 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:03:30.015 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.484 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[ufaSession,61\] GetTargetDiskSize called

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.484 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.484 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.484 'P2V' 2172 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.484 'P2V' 2172 info\] \[ufaTask,200\] Successfully connected to VMImporter

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.515 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109\] Successfully connected to VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:03:50.531 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817\] Start managed object method for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.531 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:03:50.531 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.531 'App' 3484 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:03:50.531 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:03:50.531 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:04:55.031 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:04:55.031 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886\] Remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task completed \[2008-06-25 13:04:55.031 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515\] Cleaning up remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:04:55.046 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201\] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:04:58.859 'P2V' 2172 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:04:58.859 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:04:58.859 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.562 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[ufaSession,75\] CheckDestAvailable called

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.562 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.562 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.562 'P2V' 3632 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.562 'P2V' 3632 info\] \[ufaTask,200\] Successfully connected to VMImporter

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.593 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109\] Successfully connected to VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:06.609 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817\] Start managed object method for task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.609 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:06.609 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.609 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:06.609 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:06.609 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:19.046 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.046 'App' 3556 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886\] Remote task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task completed \[2008-06-25 13:05:19.046 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515\] Cleaning up remote task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.062 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201\] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[ufaSession,92\] CheckDestParams called

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.125 'P2V' 3632 info\] \[ufaTask,200\] Successfully connected to VMImporter

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.140 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109\] Successfully connected to VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:19.156 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817\] Start managed object method for task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.156 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:19.156 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.156 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:05:19.156 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:05:19.156 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:07:43.125 'App' 3484 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:07:43.125 'App' 3484 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886\] Remote task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task completed \[2008-06-25 13:07:43.125 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515\] Cleaning up remote task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:07:43.140 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201\] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:07:46.671 'P2V' 3632 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:07:46.671 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:07:46.671 'P2V' 3632 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.515 'VmdbSvc' 3824 verbose\] Shutting down VMDB service...

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.515 'VmdbSvc' 3824 verbose\] Unregistering callback...

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.515 'VmdbSvc' 3824 verbose\] ...done

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.531 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[jobManager,462\] Serializing the job manager's state

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 25 changing state from -1 to 0

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[jobManager,670\] Adding job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 0 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[jobManager,560\] Starting job 25 as 1/1 running job

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[jobManager,1096\] Starting job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 25 changing state from 0 to 1

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[serialization,220\] Serializing job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[serialization,227\] Archiving job to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000025.xml

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 2 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[serialization,220\] Serializing job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3824 verbose\] \[serialization,227\] Archiving job to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000025.xml

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 4 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.562 'ClientConnection' 3388 info\] Connecting to
.\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb, use SSL: true

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.578 'ClientConnection' 3388 info\] Successfully connected to

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.609 'VmdbSvc' 3388 verbose\] Connected to stream: SSL(\[class Vmacore::System::NamedPipeClientStreamWin32:02BDC3C0\])

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.609 'Libs' 3556 warning\] \[Vmdb_Unset\] Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.625 'ClientConnection' 3388 info\] Making sure that UFAD interface has version vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-89816

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.640 'ClientConnection' 3388 info\] UFAD interface version is vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-89816

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.656 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[task,276\] Task execution completed

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.656 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.656 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[jobManager,1471\] UFA session created successfully

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[ufaSession,110\] DoImport called

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[serialization,220\] Serializing job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[serialization,227\] Archiving job to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000025.xml

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from None to InProgress requested

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[task,274\] Starting execution of a Task

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.703 'P2V' 3388 info\] \[ufaTask,200\] Successfully connected to VMImporter

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.718 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109\] Successfully connected to VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:08:01.734 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817\] Start managed object method for task VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.734 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:08:01.734 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.750 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:08:01.750 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:08:01.750 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:08:16.203 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:08:16.203 'P2V' 3248 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 4 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:08:16.203 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:08:16.203 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:38.093 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:38.093 'P2V' 2172 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 4 for job 25 \[2008-06-25 13:10:38.093 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:38.093 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:39.843 'App' 3484 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:39.843 'P2V' 3484 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 4 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:10:39.843 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:39.843 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:48.718 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:48.750 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:48.750 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:49.781 'App' 3632 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:49.781 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:49.781 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:49.781 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:49.781 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:49.781 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'App' 3484 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'P2V' 3248 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 4 for job 25 \[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:10:54.078 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:11:21.781 'App' 2172 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:11:21.781 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437\] Waiting for updates from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:11:21.781 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668\] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:11:28.421 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749\] Got an update from VmiImportTask::task \[2008-06-25 13:11:28.421 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515\] Cleaning up remote task VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:11:28.421 'App' 3248 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886\] Remote task VmiImportTask::task completed \[2008-06-25 13:11:28.437 'App' 3388 verbose\] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201\] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiImportTask::task

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 error\] \[task,295\] Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.NfcConnectionFault)

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,339\] Transition from InProgress to Failure requested

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[task,388\] Transition succeeded

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[job,276\] Job 25 changing state from 1 to 2

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[serialization,220\] Serializing job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[serialization,227\] Archiving job to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000025.xml

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.234 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 2 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.250 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 4 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.250 'P2V' 3388 verbose\] \[jobManager,438\] Raising event 6 for job 25

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.250 'VmdbSvc' 3388 verbose\] Shutting down VMDB service...

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.250 'VmdbSvc' 3388 verbose\] Unregistering callback...

\[2008-06-25 13:11:29.250 'VmdbSvc' 3388 verbose\] ...done

\[2008-06-25 13:19:18.203 'P2V' 3824 info\] \[p2vSupport,232\] Shutting down App

0 Kudos
2 Replies

I won't be able to tell you from that log file. the log file we would need is the vmware-converter.log (capture a record on the system where Converter is installed).

- Contains information regarding the import/reconfiguration steps taken by the agent when converting the physical/virtual machine.

- Is available in the Source Physical Machine OS’s temp directory (C:\Windows\Temp\vmware-temp)

Can you use the attach feature to post the log? Threads have died in the past because they are too long, and log files gum up the mix. Also, as a favor, could you edit out the previous log info for the from your last post for the same.

Given your description, there are a few restrictions on using converter with an SPF file per our User's Manual (http://www.vmware.com/pdf/VMware_Converter_manual303.pdf)

>Converter can convert ShadowProtect and Backup Exec System Recovery images, with the following limitations:

>- Dynamic disks are not supported.

>- All images for the backup of a machine must be in a single folder with no other images placed there.

>- For volume‐based cloning, all volumes in the disk up to the active and system volumes must be backed up. For example, if a disk has four partitions, 1–4, with partition 2 as the active volume and partition 3 as the system volume, the backup must include 1 through 3.

>- For incremental images, up to 16 incremental backups are supported.

>- Images of systems with logical drives are not supported if the logical drive is also a system or active volume (ShadowProtect only).


I thank for your advice. :smileygrin:

I succeeded in converting the SPF file by following "known issue".


Cloning a large disk with lots of free space to an ESX Server destination fails

Selecting "Import all disks and maintain size" on the Converter wizard Source Data page when converting a large disk with lots of free space to an ESX Server destination can cause the import to fail. Check the logs, and if there are error messages with NFC failures, use the "Import volumes . . ." method with or without resizing.


The target server has large disk size (1.3 TB), and I think it fell under this issue.

0 Kudos