VMware Cloud Community

Converting Microsoft trial Visual Studio Team virtual machines fails

I've been trying to convert the recently updated "Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server SP1 VPC Image (Trial)" to a VMware Workstation 6.5 image, but both of the images get to 99% converted and fail with an "unknown error"


I've tried booting the machines and Windows does start up but then it blue screens

I'm using Converter 3.0.3

Last lines of the logs I've found are ...

Got an update from UfaSysReconfig::task::task Cleaning up remote task UfaSysReconfig::task::task Disposing task wrapper for task UfaSysReconfig::task::task

object explicitly disposed: UfaSysReconfig::task::task Debug Debug Debug Disposing RegistryHive ... object explicitly disposed: fileRegistry={virtVol={computer={d640cf3cff875d0e66b5e5d34a6e65f5dcb72b1},0}},WINDOWS\system32\config\System Debug Info UfaSysReconfig::task::task being destroyed VmiReconfigTask::task step "Reconfigure VM" failed Reporting image processing task failure for task UfaSysReconfig::task::task

ImageProcessingTask FAILED. Fault name: sysimage.fault.FileNotFound

object explicitly disposed: computer= Cleaning up computer's child objects Unregistring volume id=virtVol={computer=,0}

Unregistring disk id=disk=

VmiReconfigTask::task step "Reconfigure VM" destroyed Reconfiguration failed VmiReconfigTask::task: Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: sysimage.fault.ReconfigFault

VmiReconfigTask::task: SetState to error object explicitly disposed: VmiReconfigTask::task

VmiReconfigTask::task being destroyed CloseSession called for session id=6F1945E1-7D59-48F3-BCEC-F2808D4CECEB Removed vmdb connection /db/connection/#7/ Remote task VmiReconfigTask::task completed

Waiting for updates from VmiReconfigTask::task Got an update from VmiReconfigTask::task

Cleaning up remote task VmiReconfigTask::task Disposing task wrapper for task VmiReconfigTask::task

Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.ReconfigFault)

Transition from InProgress to Failure requested

Transition succeeded

Job 6 changing state from 1 to 2

Serializing job 6

Archiving job to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs\00000006.xml

Raising event 2 for job 6

Raising event 4 for job 6

Raising event 6 for job 6

Shutting down VMDB service...

Unregistering callback...


Cheers, SteveC.
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9 Replies

which bluescreen do you get ?

If you can't see the bluescreen - boot into a PE and disable the automatic reboot after a crash.

Also you should better use Converter 4 beta - as 3.0.3 can NOT patch 2k8


description of vmx-parameters:


Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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The problem here is that while doing the reconfig Converter is looking for a driver and cannot find it. If you would attach the complete log file, I can tell you which driver it could not find. My guess is that it is the LSI logic SCSI driver.

A work-around would be to download the required driver place it in the windows driver directory. LSI logic SCSI driver is not redistributable, hence converter cannot include it.

Alternatively you could also use Converter 4.0 beta which would let you keep the disks as IDE and hence not require this work-around.

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Thanks for the response

I get ... STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF789EA98,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)

- screen shot attached

Just to be sure, I've installed Virtual PC and the machine booted fine

Also thanks for the pointer to Converter v4, I've downloaded it and seeing if it works

Cheers, SteveC.
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I understand the BSOD. Its probably because the SCSI driver is not present. I was talking about attaching the converter logs. The reason why it would be able to boot in VPC in not WS is because converter 3.x always converted IDE disks into SCSI. Hence it would boot on VPC (since it does not require the SCSI driver).

If you use Converter 4.0, it will let you preserve the IDE disks and hence the destination will not require the SCSI drivers.

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I've attached a zip with the logs in

Many thanks for responding

Not having much luck, trying to install the v4 beta and getting an Error 1920: VMWare Converter Agent failed to start verify you have sufficient priviledges ... and I'm logged in as a local administrator



Cheers, SteveC.
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Oops ... hopefully this time I've attached the zip

Cheers, SteveC.
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You options are limited to the ones I mentioned earlier

1. get the lsi driver and place it on the microsoft vm using vpc

2. get converter 4.0. If you have trouble with converter 4.0, you will need to post to the 4.0 beta forum. Did you uninstall 3x and restart before trying to install 4.0 beta?

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Nope ... but I have now and the converter is running, so we'll see how it copes with the Microsoft vhd



Cheers, SteveC.
0 Kudos

Same problem, solved.

Converter, 95% error reconfigure.

Disk converted, create new VM, use converter to inject vm tools package. Boot OS, wait till tools installer finish his job. Done.

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