VMware Cloud Community

Hanging on "Verifying Task parameters"

Hello I'm having difficulty converting one of my VMs from a Hyper-V server.  I'm able to connect to the Hyper-V and see the Vm list.  When I select SVR4 and click next I get a notice saying "Verifying Task Parameters"  This goes on and on and on.  Last time I let it sit for almost an hour before I killed it.  Also, if I click "View Source Details"I get "Retrieving source machine information..." and also spins and spin but does nothing.  I'm not seeing anything crazy in the logs, but I may not be looking in the right place.

I have already converted a VM off of this Hyper-V host today but for some reason just this one is giving me troubles.  Any ideas??


Hyper-V 2008R2 on a headless host

SVR4 is a 2008R2 server AD, DNS, DHCP, File.  It has 5 drives connected to it with about 1.5 TB of used space.

4 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

The big disks space and/or number of snapshots of VM could be reason for long running query task.

As alternative and faster way is to convert VM as powered on source.


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Thank you trying now.  

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I found using resource monitor that the vmware-converter-a.exe process is busy reading each disk.  It creates a folder in the same directory as the virtual disk with a .lck extension like this "virtualdiskname.vhd.lck"  Once it's done, it cleans up after itself.  My problem is with large disks.  It seems to handle smaller vhd files fine, but once it hits a disk 500GB+, it ultimately fails.  I'm looking for some kind of timeout value in the converter configuration XML files.  

The GUI will sit at "verifying task parameters" for roughly 30 minutes, and then fail with an "Unable to obtain hardware information for the selected machine" error.

Anyone know if/where that timeout value might be? 


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Hello corner of internet.  I just wanted to say I'm seeing this same problem, and have been unsuccessful at changing a timeout.  Maybe someone with knowledge will reply some day!

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