VMware Cloud Community

I need help with error messages trying to convert a physical linux computer to an ESXi virtual machine

I'm trying to convert my physical Trixbox phone system to a virtual machine. When I start the conversion process, I get the message box asking if I want to automatically remove the temporaty convert files that will be put on the Trixbox computer or if I want to manually remove them. Regardless of which option I select, the conversion process starts for a few seconds then I get an error message that says:

"Unable to connect to the remote Vmware converter agent. The remote host is not accessible using Microsoft Networking Services. It might be down or firewalled."

I can access the Trixbox computer from windows explorer, add and remove files and folders. Does anyone know what the problem may be and how to resolve it?

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3 Replies
Hot Shot
Hot Shot

it sounds like you're trying to do a hot conversion.

i'd suggest you try a cold conversion. do you have the enterprise edition of converter? if not then you'll have to do the work-around with WinPE.

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Your post has been moved to the VMware Converter forum

Dave Mishchenko

VMware Communities User Moderator

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You cannot use VMware Converter to hot clone a linux machine, it is for winders only. You can try to build a blank VM and use dd. Your best bet is to use the cold clone cd or ghost or altiris.

Check out this blog. Read the entire thread, it deals with different kernel versions. ->http://virtualaleph.blogspot.com/2007/05/virtualize-linux-server-with-vmware.html

basically, you may need to insmod an LSI or Buslogic SCSI driver to get the system to boot.


Dave Convery, VCDX-DCV #20 ** http://www.tech-tap.com ** http://twitter.com/dconvery ** "Careful. We don't want to learn from this." -Bill Watterson, "Calvin and Hobbes"
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