VMware Cloud Community

how long does it take?


I installed the latest version of converter (4.01) to make a virtual machine for Workstation 6.5.3 for Linux. My physical machine is a laptop with Windows XP Pro SP3, and it has three partitions. Total size is around 80GB.

The converter could create files successfully in around one hour, but when I tried to open the virtual machine by VMWare Player or VMWare Workstation, it takes forever.

On both Player and Workstation, I could see Windows XP' logo at the start up, but it goes to black screen. The hard drive icon in the player and workstation looks blinking, but it dose not change for several hours. (it is still running beside of me now).

I am concerning if it is normal because this was a initial start up by the player, or if it was failed.

Of course, when I started the converter, I chose right version (for 6.5). I did not turn off services in the wizard. Was it a problem?

I converted twice, but both show a same result.

If you have any advices or experience converting working machine, please let me know.

Thank you very much.

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4 Replies

What kind of hardware are you running the virtual machine from? Is it running from local disk or something like an external USB hard drive?

I've seen this kind of behavior in the past if the virtualization options are not configured in the BIOS of the computer that you're running the VM from. This feature is usually disabled by default and has to be enabled. It will be in a difference place depending on the BIOS you have but it is usually called virtualization.

So does the VM itself ever boot up or does it constantly stay at the black screen? That could be a sign that the conversion did not work properly. Can you create a new VM from scratch (install Linux or something else manually) and see if it does the same thing?

Matt | http://www.thelowercasew.com | @mattliebowitz
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Converted Virtual Machines were saved in the USB external hard drive. Then, I connect the drive to the other laptop which has VMWare Workstation. I connected VM from USB drive and local drive after transfer, but both tries were same result. I could see XP logo, but after that black screen appeared and stayed forever.

After my posting, I converted again by choosing "for VMWare player" but it was still the same.

Converter itseld does not show any error message. It was always successful, but VMware Workstation and Player do not let the VM run properly.

Newly created VMs are always fine.

The laptop I want to virtualize has a lot of software. I am wondering if I should uninstall unnecessary software first before I perform converting. Or, I have Acronis Workstation 9, and tib is better or worhty to try?

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I doubt the software on the workstation being converted is causing the problem. It sounds like some kind of hardware incompatibility after conversion.

You've tried creating a VM using the same operating system you're trying to convert and it works ok?

It wouldn't hurt to try Acronis or some other imaging software but the conversion won't be as clean as with Converter. What version of Converter are you using? If I have trouble converting VMs with Converter 4.x, I usually go and try 3.0.3 and see if I get better results. You could try that (or vice versa) and see how that works for you.

Matt | http://www.thelowercasew.com | @mattliebowitz
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Hello. I tried version 3, but it was same. XP logo appeared, but it got stuck with the black screen.

I also tried Acronis TrueImage, but it did not boot at all.

Is there thing I should change in the wizard before I begin converting?

In my case, should I give up to make my laptop virtuIalized?

The laptop is ThinkPad R52 with Fingure print reader. The screen is SXGA.

Thank you.

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