VMware Cloud Community

2 lokale Datastores weg na reboot

Het volgende probleem:

Na een reboot zijn de twee lokale datastores niet meer aanwezig.

Als ik kijk bij Devices in Vsphere Client dan staan de disks hier wel en ook als mounted. Ook met de juiste capaciteit.


Ik heb al van alles geprobeerd, maar ik krijg ze niet terug.

Rescan All ... Add Storage ...

Ik heb zelfs ESXi opnieuw geïnstalleerd, maar geen verbetering.

Ik heb allerlei forums bezocht, maar nog geen resultaat.

Ik heb ESXi5.5.0 op een HP Proliant DL380 G7

Als ik het volgende comando uitvoer op de cmdline:

esxcli storage core path list

dan krijg ik voor de twee schijven:


   UID: sas.5001438012068d70-sas.1438012068d70-naa.600508b1001c2d42c05d50ec044223b3

   Runtime Name: vmhba1:C0:T0:L1

   Device: naa.600508b1001c2d42c05d50ec044223b3

   Device Display Name: HP Serial Attached SCSI Disk (naa.600508b1001c2d42c05d50ec044223b3)

   Adapter: vmhba1

   Channel: 0

   Target: 0

   LUN: 1

   Plugin: NMP

   State: active

   Transport: sas

   Adapter Identifier: sas.5001438012068d70

   Target Identifier: sas.1438012068d70

   Adapter Transport Details: 5001438012068d70

   Target Transport Details: 1438012068d70

   Maximum IO Size: 4194304


   UID: sas.5001438012068d70-sas.1438012068d70-naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f

   Runtime Name: vmhba1:C0:T0:L2

   Device: naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f

   Device Display Name: HP Serial Attached SCSI Disk (naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f)

   Adapter: vmhba1

   Channel: 0

   Target: 0

   LUN: 2

   Plugin: NMP

   State: active

   Transport: sas

   Adapter Identifier: sas.5001438012068d70

   Target Identifier: sas.1438012068d70

   Adapter Transport Details: 5001438012068d70

   Target Transport Details: 1438012068d70

   Maximum IO Size: 4194304

Kan iemand mij verder helpen?

Vandaag 3-8-2016 het volgende geprobeerd:

# partedUtil getptbl "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f"

Error: The primary GPT table states that the backup GPT is located beyond the end of disk. This may happen if the disk has shrunk or partition table is corrupted. Fix, by writing backup table at the end? This will also fix the last usable sector appropriately as per the new reduced size. diskPath (/dev/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f) diskSize (1758064752) AlternateLBA (2637097071) LastUsableLBA (2637097038)

Warning: The available space to /dev/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f appears to have shrunk. This may happen if the disk size has reduced. The space has been reduced by (879032320 blocks). You can fix the GPT to correct the available space or continue with the current settings ? This will also move the backup table at the end if it is not at the end already. diskSize (1758064752) AlternateLBA (2637097071) LastUsableLBA (2637097038) NewLastUsableLBA (1758064718)

Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

Unable to read partition table for device /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f

Dus het lijkt erop dat de partitietabel corrupt is.

0 Kudos
6 Replies

Do you still need help ?
Call me via skype - my dutch is lousy but maybe you speak german or english ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

0 Kudos

Thanks for responding Ulli.

My english is not so very good, but i'l try.

It appears that the partition table is corrupt for both local disks. (see the end of my first post)

For both of the disks I used the whole disk, so if i can restore the partitiontable for the whole disk?

Can you help me?

0 Kudos

I dit something:

found the webpage: https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=20466...

If i now run the commend: # partedUtil getptbl "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f"

then I get:


109434 255 63 1758064752

And the error has dissapeared.

And the command:

# partedUtil getUsableSectors /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f

34 1758064718

But I dont see the Datastores in ESXi

0 Kudos

If I giv the command :

offset="128 2048"; for dev in `esxcfg-scsidevs -l | grep "Console Device:" | awk {'print $3'}`; do disk=$dev; echo $disk; partedUtil getptbl $disk; { for i in `echo $offset`; do echo "Checking offset found at $i:"; hexdump -n4 -s $((0x100000+(512*$i))) $disk; hexdump -n4 -s $((0x1300000+(512*$i))) $disk; hexdump -C -n 128 -s $((0x130001d + (512*$i))) $disk; done; } | grep -B 1 -A 5 d00d; echo "---------------------"; done

I get:


Error: The device /dev/cdrom/mpx.vmhba0:C0:T0:L0 has zero length, and can't possibly store a file system or partition table.  Perhaps you selected the wrong device?

Unable to get device /vmfs/devices/cdrom/mpx.vmhba0:C0:T0:L0




1946 255 63 31277228

1 64 8191 C12A7328F81F11D2BA4B00A0C93EC93B systemPartition 128

5 8224 520191 EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7 linuxNative 0

6 520224 1032191 EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7 linuxNative 0

7 1032224 1257471 9D27538040AD11DBBF97000C2911D1B8 vmkDiagnostic 0

8 1257504 1843199 EBD0A0A2B9E5443387C068B6B72699C7 linuxNative 0

9 1843200 7086079 9D27538040AD11DBBF97000C2911D1B8 vmkDiagnostic 0




109434 255 63 1758064752

Checking offset found at 128:

0110000 d00d c001


1310000 f15e 2fab


0131001d  44 61 74 61 73 74 6f 72  65 32 00 00 00 00 00 00  |Datastore2......|

0131002d  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|




72937 255 63 1171743324

Checking offset found at 128:

0110000 d00d c001


1310000 f15e 2fab


0131001d  44 61 74 61 73 74 6f 72  65 31 00 00 00 00 00 00  |Datastore1......|

0131002d  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|


0 Kudos

Next I did:

# partedUtil getUsableSectors "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f"


34 1758064718

# partedUtil setptbl /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f gpt "1 128 1758064718 AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 0"

And for disk 2:

# partedUtil getUsableSectors "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2d42c05d50ec044223b3"

34 1171743290

# partedUtil setptbl /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2d42c05d50ec044223b3 gpt "1 128 1171743290 AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 0"

Now I got:

# partedUtil getptbl "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2897d23cbca3d8497b1f"


109434 255 63 1758064752

1 128 1758064718 AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 vmfs 0

# partedUtil getptbl "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600508b1001c2d42c05d50ec044223b3"


72937 255 63 1171743324

1 128 1171743290 AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 vmfs 0

The errors are gone.

So far so good.

Bus stil no Datastores in VMWare.

If I try to add Storage, and select the listed name, I can choose Keep existing signature and next I see:


Disk layout:

Device                                               Drive Type           Capacity                          LUN

  HP Serial Attached SCSI Disk (naa.. Non-SSD          558,73 GB                         1



Partition Format


Primary Partitions                                             Capacity

   VMFS(HP Serial Attached SCSI Disk..          558,73 GB

File System:

Properties                                                                        Extents

  Datastore name:


     File system:

     Block size:

     Maximum file size:


     Original UUID:       0200010000600508b1001c2d42c05d

     Assign new UUID: No          Format Disk:        No


which do not seem right.

If i press Finish, noting happens, and no error.

Whatever I try, nothing.

0 Kudos

Finally today I decided there wil be no rescue for my Data.

I added new Datastores by formatting both disks.

Now I'm restoring my backups.

0 Kudos