VMware Cloud Community

About upgrade VMFS3 to VMFS5 on Share Storage and 2 HOST

Dear All,

My old system have 2 Host esx 4.1 server and i plan to update version with CD to 5.5.(and plan to update ESX6 later.)

But 2 host have local datastore on each Host and have 1 share iscsi storage that format 1MB block size and VMFS 3.4 version

So if i plan update 2 hosts to ESX5.5 with CD. So This step as below will safe?

1. on ESX 1 and 2 i will disconnect share iscsi and datastore that run on share storage. and power off all VMS , Check automatic poweron on all VMs to OFF

2. Update host 1 and 2 with CD.= to ESX 5.5.

3. power on HOST SERVER and attach iscsi storage and choose update VMFS3 to 5

4 if work find power on all VMs on two hosts.

This Step will safe for data on each VMs?

Please help us for suggestions.



2 Replies

First think.

1) You dont need to disconnect iSCSI storage as host upgrade will not upgrade vmfs automatically

2) If you have vCenter you can update manager and migrate the VMs from one host you want to upgrade(avoid shutting down)

3) once both hosts are upgraded you can then upgrade vmfs to vmfs5

If you found my answers useful please consider marking them as Correct OR Helpful Regards, Hussain https://virtualcubes.wordpress.com/

Thanks hussainbtehussainbte

So i must upgrade 2 HOSTs with same times with CD and normal boot when it had been finished and ESX5.5 will can see VMFS3 right ?

2. and i will upgrade VMFS to vmfs3 with i select upgrade VMFS on datastore  later right.

But if i have upgrade to VMFS5 and ESX5.5 and next update to ESX6 no vcenter.(with Vsphere client only) Then, VMFS5 can see datastore on ESX6 right ?

Everyone can make sure ESX4.1 can upgrade to 5.5 with CD no problem ?



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