VMware Cloud Community

Cannot connect USB disk to VM from remote viclient

I would be grateful for any assistance with thi following problem:

I'm running vCenter 5 with ESXi 5.0 U1 hosts.

I've got VMs with hardware v8 to which I have added a USB controller.

I'm running the vsphere 5 client (run as administrator) on a Win 7 pro x64 PC.

When I try to connect a USB disk from my local PC to a Windows VM (2208 R2 / Win 7) via the console, it immediately disconnects - "Remote Device Disconnect" message.

I have uninstalled all version of the vsphere cient and re-installed 5 only.

Has anybody else experienced and been able to resolve this problem?

Connect USB.JPG

Disconnect USB.JPG

Here's what's in the client log:

[        :QuickInf:M: 6] 2012-09-20 11:53:10.593  CDM--ConnectDevice key: path:1/2/0 version:2, currentVm: 4, VMRC state: VMRC_CS_CONNECTED
[        :QuickInf:M: 6] 2012-09-20 11:53:10.608  CDM--ConnectDevice returned: True, VMRC state: VMRC_CS_CONNECTED
[        :QuickInf:M: 6] 2012-09-20 11:53:11.201  CDM--onDeviceConnectionStateChanged received connected: False, device: path:1/2/0 version:2, vm: 4, host: esx-10:443, physicalClientDeviceKey: path:1/2/0 version:2, userRequested: True, reason: The device "Kingston Removable Disk" disconnected: the client requested disconnection., VMRC state: VMRC_CS_CONNECTED
[        :ShowInfo:M: 6] 2012-09-20 11:53:11.217  Remote device disconnect: The remote device on vcenter connected to Kingston Removable Disk is disconnected.
[        :QuickInf:M: 6] 2012-09-20 11:53:11.232  CDM--OnMessage, MsgType:VMRC_MT_ERROR, text:The device "Kingston Removable Disk" disconnected: the client requested disconnection., VMRC state: VMRC_CS_CONNECTED


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6 Replies

were you able to find any solution for this issue? ...i am facing similar issue...but no clue yet..

tried reinstalling the client,run as administrator,i am able to connect the USB key to the same vm from a diffrent vSpehere client session running on a diffrent workstation..

vcp 3\4\5
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Since, you got th error message, which clearly indicates that you did enable the USB feature (added USB device to VM*) for the VM and tried adding to the VM.  Als, since the device is available for adding, also indicates that the device is not in use by other VMs.

- Did the feature USB redirection worked in your environment?

- If the answer for the above question is Yes, then what is the change that happened from the time it worked, I mean is there any upgrade of VI client or change of Guest ??

- Could check if the USB driver got installed along with the VI-client ?? ( this is very esential in re-directing the USB devices) 


Can you check the vmrc logs on the vSphere client machine ??

what does the logs say ?? 

- USB redirection works for Win7, win 2k8 even hen the device is busy on the host machine, device is yanked and given to the VM.

- If at all you should see any error it shoul dbe with Win XP but not with Win 2k8 or Win7.

Here is the KB: which explains the supportability of USB. hopefully you must already taken a look at it but to make sure , I posted on emore time.

KB: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=102229...

Also, check the following KB, if the device you are using is listed in supported ones..


Most of the devices which are not listed in the KB, may also work but they are not officially supported by VMware.

0 Kudos

this was a working setup earlier and its happening for one of my customer.Below is detailed information about the issue

Customer is trying to connect a USB smart card reader to a vm and it gives an error message “The remote device on (computer name) connected to USB Smart Card Reader is disconnected “.it’s a client connected USB pass-through setup (customer doesn’t want to use Host USB pass-through).The same issue is been occurring for almost 24 desktops installed with vsphere client. Only on 3 desktops it’s working. This was a working setup earlier and there is no patch update made on these desktops.

Tried reinstalling the vpshere client, restarted the USB arbitration service, and restarted the host. Customer even tried reinstalling one host.no luck.

We are able to connect the USB smart card reader to the same VM from a different desktop (3 desktop’s are working)

There are no errors in the host logs, the vi client log only gives the below error

Remote device disconnect: The remote device on XXXXXX connected to Broadcom 5880 is disconnected

userRequested: True, reason: The device "Broadcom 5880" disconnected: the client requested disconnection., VMRC state: VMRC_CS_CONNECTED

Didn’t  try reinstalling the desktop OS as the issue is been occurred for almost 24 desktops

Esx and vc version:esxi 5.0 U1 and vc 5.0 u1

USB:usb controller 2.0

vcp 3\4\5
0 Kudos

Shanil Nambiar,

I think I found the problem with you customer Environment.

You said there are three machines from the which the same smart Card can be connected  to the VM using vSphere client and it is not working on the 24 other machines.

Can you check if the 24 machines are installed/using hte smart card while the smart card is being connected  as pass-through device to the VM over vsphere client. Most likely the issue could be because of a driver on those 24 machiens are keeping the smart card busy and due to which the device is not getting freed up when th euser actually tries to connect the deive to the VM.

To confirm the above theory, on the three machiens which are working for USB pass through, check the difference of drivers/application/authentication tools installed from the 24 machines which are not working.

Hopefully the above two tasks should eliminate your customer problem.

Cheers Smiley Happy

0 Kudos

thanks for your reply.

But the USB smart card reader is in a shared mode between the virtual machines in the host.does that make any diffrence?

vcp 3\4\5
0 Kudos

>>But the USB smart card reader is in a shared mode between the virtual machines in the host.does that make any diffrence?

I think it may be reason why you are unable to connect the USB device to the VMs from those 24 machines. The reason could be, when the USB device is  connected to the VM, vmware process takes over the ownership of the device and disconnects it from the host(where vsphere client is installed)  and

then it loads the virtual USB device to the host(vsphere client) upon which the actual USB device is redirected to the VM.

Also if look at the KBs, I mentioned in my previous response,  you should find a section for limitations for the USB devices as a pass through device...

which clearly says ...

USB devices have these limitations:
  • A virtual machine may have up to 20 USB devices attached to it, however each unique USB device can only be attached to one virtual machine at a time

KB: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=102229...

So, I advice you kindly go through the limitations and requirements for USB devices one moe time and it would solve your USB related issues.

-Smiley Happy-

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