VMware Cloud Community

Cannot increase Datastore


We have an ESX 4.0 cluster with 2 hosts, EMC Clarion SAN storage with 10 LUNs. We have added 2 new 400 GB LUNs. All the LUNs are visible from both hosts.

I have extended an existing 500 GB datastore with one of these 400 GB LUNs -> the new datastore size is now 900 GB.

I'd like to do the same operation with the second 400 GB LUN to extend another existing datastore but I'm not able to do it. The LUN is available to create a brand new datastore but is not visible to extend an existing one. I don't understand why everything was fine with the other one and why can't I do the same exact operation with this LUN. The result is the same on both hosts.

The SAN admin have erased and re-created several times this LUN. I have rescan the HBA each time.

In attachment you can find the result of the esxcfg-mpath -l and fdisk -l commands on both servers.

Does somebody have an idea please?

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12 Replies
Hot Shot
Hot Shot

Have you tried to increase the datastore from the other host?

MCSE,VCP 310,VCP 410.

If you found this or other information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful". Jayprakash VCP3,VCP4,MCSE 2003 http://kb.vmware.com/
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I've tried from both hosts and it's the same.

0 Kudos


Can you tell me are you trying to add Luns to the same datastore and what is the size of the datastore now. ?

Also what is the block size in the datastore ?

0 Kudos


Can you tell me are you trying to add Luns to the same datastore and

what is the size of the datastore now. ?

I have several datastores. Most of the DS are shared in order to use VMotion. Two of these are 500 GB DS made up 1 LUN each. On one of them, I've successfully incresed the overall DS size by adding a 400GB LUN. The size is now 900 GB.

I'd like to do the same thing on the second 500 GB DS by adding the remaining 400 GB LUN but I'm not able to complete this operation because the LUN is not visible in the wizard. However, the LUN is visible in the device list of the storage adapter (like all the others) and it's also visible if I try to create a new DS.

Also what is the block size in the datastore ?

The block size is 1 MB.

0 Kudos

Oksss.. .. .so you have created both the datastores with the 1MB block size ? Also can you paste me the o/p of vdf -h from both hosts ?

0 Kudos

You are aware that extending a datastore isn't supported, right? You should create a NEW datastore of the size you want, migrate the VM's over using sVmotion, then delete the old one when done.

I know the next thing you will say "yes, but having a large datastore is bad right?" Extending an existing datastore with extra storage amounts to the same thing... except your chances of corruption increase becuase you are using 2 LUN's instead of 1.

0 Kudos

Well, it's a temporary situation. We are waiting for the new SAN but at the moment, the needs are increasing and we need space (we are in production).

Anyway thanks for the advise.


vdf -h @ host1

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdk5 4.9G 1.8G 2.8G 40% /

/dev/sdf1 1.1G 75M 952M 8% /boot

/dev/sdk2 2.0G 216M 1.7G 12% /var/log

/vmfs/devices 7.6T 0 7.6T 0% /vmfs/devices


199G 188G 11G 94% /vmfs/volumes/SANSABACKUPSA01


249G 249G 206M 99% /vmfs/volumes/ArchiveVMFS


249G 249G 206M 99% /vmfs/volumes/ArchiveVMFS2


99G 98G 1.2G 98% /vmfs/volumes/SQL05VMFS


67G 41G 25G 61% /vmfs/volumes/Localsa03vmfs-system


899G 496G 402G 55% /vmfs/volumes/SANSAVMFS01


499G 430G 69G 86% /vmfs/volumes/SANGLVMFS01

vdf -h @ host2

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdm5 4.9G 1.8G 2.9G 38% /

/dev/sdf1 1.1G 75M 952M 8% /boot

/dev/sdm2 2.0G 120M 1.8G 7% /var/log

/vmfs/devices 5.7T 0 5.7T 0% /vmfs/devices


199G 188G 11G 94% /vmfs/volumes/SANSABACKUPSA01


249G 249G 205M 99% /vmfs/volumes/ArchiveVMFS


249G 249G 205M 99% /vmfs/volumes/ArchiveVMFS2


99G 98G 1.2G 98% /vmfs/volumes/SQL05VMFS


67G 8.8G 58G 13% /vmfs/volumes/Localgl03vmfs-system


279G 49G 229G 17% /vmfs/volumes/Local03vmfs-data


899G 496G 402G 55% /vmfs/volumes/SANSAVMFS01


499G 430G 69G 86% /vmfs/volumes/SANGLVMFS01

The extended DS is


899G 496G 402G 55% /vmfs/volumes/SANSAVMFS01

0 Kudos

Alright, can i ask you to check if the LUN is properly zoned and you are able to see the LUN from both the hosts ?

0 Kudos

Yes the SAN admin confirmed that the zoning config of all the LUNs are identical and I'm able to see the remaining LUN from both hosts.

From both hosts, I can create a new datastore with this LUN but I cannot extend an existing DS withit although I've been able to do complete this operation on another DS.

0 Kudos

Hi, sorry for the late reply was held up with other issue ... ::) Smiley Happy

I would like you to try or clairfy few more things

1) Do you see the LUN when you try to increase any other datastore?

2 ) Also was this datastore created from Virtual Center or using VI client direct login to the ESX host ?

If you can login to the ESX server using the VI client and try once ? Not through the Virtual Center..

All the best. Smiley Happy Smiley Happy Smiley Happy



I've completed the operation by connecting directly to the ESX host with the vSphere client. I'm so angry with VMware because I spent an entire day searching in all the logs and config files ...... and this just for a bug.....

Thanks for the help.

0 Kudos


Nice to hear that its sorted now. Can you please mark this thread as "Answered" ... Cheers. Smiley Happy

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