VMware Cloud Community

Changing the Block Size of a Datastore in ESXi4.x

Sorry if I miss something, but this is the third time I am writing this post since the VMWare site keeps going down on me!!!

I am having a significate problem changing the Block Size of the local Datastore within ESXi4.x (both 4.0.1 and 4.1) I understand that you need to delete the partition and reformat with the new block size and I have no problem doing this in ESXi3.5.  However in ESXi4.x The process never works properly.

When I try to delete the datastore through the VI Client GUI, the process eventually times out and gives me an error: "Call HostDatastoreSystem.RemoveDatastore for object ha-datastore on system ESXi failed."
However, I can delete the partition manually from the busybox command line. (Regardless I should be able to delete the datastore from the VI Client GUI!)

But now that I have deleted the partition, I am unable to create a new datatstore!
If I try to create a datastore through the VI Client GUI, again, the process never stops and I never get an error!
If I try to create the partition manually from the busybox command line, the format of the partition using the vmkfstools command starts but never stops!

I have also tried to modify the /usr/lib/vmware/weasel/fsset.py file before the install starts, but apparently this hack no longer works with ESXi4.x (Thanks VMware!)

The only way I have succeeded in getting an ESXi4.x server with a datastore formatted with a block size greater than 1M is to first create a ESXi3.5 server and upgrade.  However this process is more of a hack than a solution. There has to be a better way as this is not a realistic option when I am on site and need to install the server without access to an Upgrade Server!

I have reproduced this problem on a number of servers, so this is not a one time fluck! Maybe it is me, but then please tell me what I am doing wrong!

Thanks in advance,

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2 Replies

I did that a couple of times without any issues on stand alone hosts.

The error message looks like you already added the host to a vCenter Server!? In this case vCenter Server processes (like activated Storage I/O control) may not allow this.



I tried this on a number of servers, but they were all the same type (DELL SC1420)...   I scrounged up a couple other types and was unable to reproduce the problem on them.

I did have a couple connected to a vServer, but I also had many that were not. It does seem to make a difference.  I also couldn't find any Storage processes so I am guessing the problem is an issue with this specific server type or the RAID card.

I only have a handful of these servers so I guess I can use the work upgrade workaround.

Thanks for the help.


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