VMware Cloud Community

Connection Questions When Migrating Servers to VMware

I've got some questions regarding VMware and server migration. 
Some background.  We currently have two physical Netware servers  with internal system drives and FC connections to our EVA4400 for the data.  We  will be migrating to Novell OES VM's using a new ESXi 5 server that will also  have FC connections to the SAN.   
I know we'll need to get the new VMware host configured with an alias on  our SAN switches and do the zoning for it.  To move the Netware data drives over  is it a matter of Unpresent'ing the Vdisks from the Netware servers, Present'ing  them to the ESXi host and then VMDK'ing them to the appropriate VM?  I  believe we'll also want to create a Vdisk on our SAN and present that to our  ESXi host so that we can create system drives on the SAN for the servers.
Am I on the right track here?  If not, please set me straight.
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2 Replies

The task to migrate servers to VMware is neither too hard and nor too easy also,the only thing is it should follow the correct way of configure and as I think you are in the correct path

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For any interested, the plan as laid out worked well.  The only "issue" was that the disks had to be RDM's.

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