VMware Cloud Community

DataStore dissappear, after firmware hardware upgrade

Hi people,

One ESX 4.0, with a RAID1 to system console, and RAID5 to DataStore (DAS storage in local). After a firmware upgrade of hardware, we have "lost" the Data Store...i mean, in Storage Adapters I can perfectly see it, both ot them disk, but in Storage, i only see the other data store, from the raid1 disk, not the mainly with the virtual machines.

If I try to Add new Storage, the disk with raid5 its "like"free and offer to me to format it, (I didnt do that of course). I remember that in esx 3.5 if you change one parameter (at least to fibre channel LUN disks...), you recover the datastore, but now i didnt see that parameter...

any suggestion??

thanks in advanced

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