VMware Cloud Community

Default values for endpoints.conf and hardening the configuration


I'm new to the ESXi and its running on one of my boxes.

I can access it via the static IP or idrac, just as information.

By toying around I deleted the content of my "endpoints.conf" and struggle to find the original values.

Anyone mind helping me out with that?

Additionally I've got a bigger issue...

Since the free ESXi - version does not have a good native client, I'm more or less forced to use that "in development" Web-Client.

As my ESXi is directly facing the internet and I have no way to change that as I require network on the VMs, I will have to leave all that redirects running to be able to access it 'the simple way'.

Am I correct with my assumptions?

What is the best way to secure my box & harden it as much as possible? (Not talking about how to harden linux in general, as I'm not new to that...)

I tried to remove the redirect for / before, but then the /ui (WebClient) also breaks.

SSH and EsxCLI are disabled whenever I do not need them.

Anything I should check or configure?

Is the WebClient seriously the only way with some UI to manage the box if I want to use the 'newer' features?

Kind Regards,


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