VMware Cloud Community

Does controller matter for SSD in a VM guest?

Hi, long time lurker, first time poster.

I have a couple free ESXi servers running on i7 DDR4 consumer hardware. Not recommended, but working fine for me. All of my VMs run on local storage vs NFS or iSCSI.

Inside the system I have one platter hard drive and one SSD. I have one Win10 VM with the datastore on the SSD and all the rest are on a datastore on the platter.

The interesting thing is, the HDTune results on the Win10 on SSD only show about 140MB/s, which is about exactly the same as the throughput of the VMs on the platter drive.

Responsiveness of the VM is great and no complaints there, but it seems like that should be higher? Windows 10 recognizes the drive as an SSD. My biggest question is which Hard Disk Controller should the VM use? Currently I'm set to the LSI Logic SAS, but I'm wondering if the AHCI SATA would be better for a VM on the SSD? Does it matter?

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