VMware Cloud Community

ESXI VLAN/Trunking

Hello all

i am pretty much new to VMware and i am right now learning.

what i have problem is with Teaming of network cards

let me give you an impression what the current status is

- Server with 3 nics (1 for Management and Services, 2 in a team and cinnected to the NAS)

- Switch Netgear gs108Tv2

- NAS 412 with 2 NICS

config Switch:

Port 2 the single Nic

port 5 and 8 should be the ESXI Team

port 6 and 7 team from/to NAS

i have read a lot, but i can not find the Issue. It looks like the Management goes over port 8.

what i have done:

In networking (vsphare) i created VSwitch1 with includes the 2 NICS (on the switch port 5/8)

i entered the IP and 51 (do i have not just one IP when NICS are teamed ?)

i added 2 VMKernel ports - one active the other unused and the opposite with the second VMKernel port

in storage with the ISCIS config / network configuration i added the 2 VMKernel ports

the serrings of the ISCSI Storage / manage path is round robin

That team should only be for the traffic between ESXI and NAS.

The management Interface is on vSwitch0 with the IP

if i disconnect one cable from the Team the vSpare is done / lost connection - it looks like the whole trafic goes over port 8. 

i still dont understand following:

1. i have read i need to configure VLAN for it / on the switch side ?

     a, how to configure VLAN ? do i need to put port 5 and 8 in VLAN4 and 6 and 7 in VLAN6 or does it needs to be all 4 ports in the same VLAN ?

     b, then i need to configure VLAN on ESXI Team too ?

     c, why does the networks for teaming have 2 IPs ?

i want that only the traffic from ESXI to the NAS should run over ports 5-8 / in a Team with 2000 mbit. the Management Traffic over port 2

right now i can see on the stats that this is not the case

thank you guys

PS: there are many tuorials for these config but i havent found which actually works.

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2 Replies

you have mentioned 3 nics in the server, 2 for the storage and 1 for the management.So there is no redundancy in the management that is in the vswitch.

if i disconnect one cable from the Team the vSpare is done / lost connection - it looks like the whole trafic goes over port 8. - So this is the expected thing.any way the storage traffic goes through it..so why you have surprised?

If you select "allow management traffic in the portgoups" of the iscsi then you can connect to the esxi....but normally it is not recommended to share the storage traffic with management traffic in the same pnics.

1. i have read i need to configure VLAN for it / on the switch side ?

     a, how to configure VLAN ? do i need to put port 5 and 8 in VLAN4 and 6 and 7 in VLAN6 or does it needs to be all 4 ports in the same VLAN ?

the storage and iscsi ports groups and vswitch for the storage should have the same VLAN.. why you need different VLAN ?

     b, then i need to configure VLAN on ESXI Team too ?


     c, why does the networks for teaming have 2 IPs ?

for iscsi you need to use 2 vmkernel portgroups and 2 ip and all of them have same vlan.

First you need create a VLAN in the switch for the switch ports 5,6,7,8 and assign to that physical ports. Then create a vswitch with 2 nics, and create 2 vmkernel portgroups with the same VLAN. Thats it...Storage part is over.

Now for the management. you only have one nic so there is no redundancy, so buy one more dual port nic or single port nic and make redundancy.Here also create another VLAN in the switch and in the vmkernel portgoups for the management..and create a team.

In the iscsi port goups check if you have enabled the management traffic to pass

Please don't forget to award point for 'Correct' or 'Helpful', if you found the comment useful. (vExpert, VCP-Cloud. VCAP5-DCD, VCP4, VCP5, MCSE, MCITP)
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hello Gkeerthy,

thank you for your answer.

please let me answer to your answers

the server is 100% for testing purposes. in a production enviroment i would not use a standalone nic.

from my understanding

the managment port is for connecting vSpare (and other VM Products to the ESXi) - am i wrong ?

there is no "allow management groups" in the SCSI port group activated - that is the strange thing

as i understand if the Management traffic goes over the NIC with the IP 172.x.x.x on the standalone NIC then vSpare should be connected to this NIC !!! if i am disconnecting the cable from the switch port 8 than vSpare should stay connected - correct ?


i found the Issue

and the statements in top get confirmed after i cleared up the confuzion below

what was happened

i have 3 nics (nic 0 and 1 are onboard nics) nic2 is standalone nic.

they was listed as

NIC0 as vmnic0

NIC2 was vmnic1

NIC1 was vmnic2

i added VMNIC 0 and 2 because it was shown like that in netowkring

the names was wrong. done ask me why but after an reboot it was correct shown in the networking, after the team was between the 10 and the mangement.

doenst matter, the biggest is done

but still the team does not work - if i pull the cable on port 8 / no ping to the NAS possible

now i have on the switch vlan70 with port 5 and 8, and vlan71 with ports 6/7 - correct so far ? or do they need all 4 ports in the vlan 70 ?

the NAS does not have the function of VLAN

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