VMware Cloud Community

ESXi 6U1 3380124 - HP BL460c G7 mit Mezzanine NC382m (BCM5709 FW 7.4.0) - Purple Screen of Death beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren

Moin Moin,

wir sind grad in der Planung vom ESXi 5 auf ESXi 6 zu gehen.

Dafür habe ich einen der BL460c G7 als Testobjekt genommen und ESXi 6U1 installiert. Das klappt soweit auch alles, bis auf die Tatsache, dass beim Neustart oder Herunterfahren VMware im PSD verendet.

Ich habe diesen angefügt.

Ob es auch im Produktivbetrieb mit VM´s zu Problemen oder Abstürzen kommt kann ich nicht sagen und möchte es auch nicht testen.

Ich habe diesen angefügt.

Ich vermute aus dem Text, dass es etwas mit der HP NC382m Netzwerkkarte zu tun hat, da der Treiber bnx2 doch das ein oder andere mal im PSD auftaucht.

Hat evtl. jemand eine Idee, wie man das Problem in den Griff bekommt?

Ich vermute mal es gibt noch mehrere Firmen die BL460c G7 einsetzen, die die besagte HP Mezzanine Karte verwenden.

Das aktualisierte Treiberpackage "QLG-NetXtremeII-2.0-3234901" habe ich auch schon einmal nachinstalliert, was aber auch keinen Erfolg brachte.


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5 Replies

Hello Haferbrei,

Could you please have your questions in English?

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no problem.

We´ve some HP BL460c G7 Blade´s with an installed HP NC382m network mezzanine Card.

We want to upgrade our ESXi 5 to ESXi 6U1 3380124 (the latest available Version) with the custom HP ISO Image.

The Installation works fine but each time I´m restarting or shutting down the ESXi 6, the server crashes into purple screen.

The network chip on the HP NC382m is an Broadcom 5709 with the Firmware 7.4.0 installed, which should be compatible (VMware Compatibility Guide: I/O Device Search) with ESXi 6U1.

As far I can see in the purple screen, the error is related to the bnx2 driver/hardware and that´s the driver for the HP NC382m.

I think there´re a lot more people with this type of hardware and I hope, that anybody has a solution maybe.

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Hi guys,

the same Problem occurs with ESXi 5.5U3

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I've have the same problem with three HP proliant bl460c g7 with nc382m. Others blades gen8 and gen9 are fine no problems reported.

I've update also all firmware using last HP SPP.

I've used the last iso image from hp.for update from vsphere 5.5 to vsphere 6.0 u1b.

The iso is VMware-ESXi-6.0.0-Update1-3380124-HPE-600. .

You are able to solve the problem?



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i'm also experiencing this error with the NC382m in a BL460cG7 having a PSOD on shutdown/reboot.

To be precise, the PSoD takes place after the followingwhilst observing the shutdown on console

> USB Passthrough disabled

> Calling VMKernel shutdown

> ...

> Calling BNX2 driver shutdown


Unfortunately neither HPE, nor VMware were of great help - blaming each other ... although four servers show this behavior.

I tried different driver versions and ended up with drivers from "QLG-NetXtremeII-7.0-3741904" from "VMware ESXi 5.5 Driver CD 2.713.10.v55.4 for QLogic Network/iSCSI/FCoE Driver Set"

Download VMware Horizon (mit View)

(IDK why it's listed at Horizon, it's the ESXi 5.5 driver CD) - it brings bnx2-2.2.6a.v55.4 ..

Unfortunately this didn't help me at all, so i reminded myself of an old bug with that NIC : VMware KB:    ESX/ESXi host loses network connectivity with a Broadcom bnx2 driver FTQ dump

Although the behavior was quite different, i tried the mentioned workaround:

esxcfg-module -s 'disable_msi=1' bnx2

and i tried multiple reboots afterwards ... all (except the first) succeeded without a purple screen ...

Maybe this works for you as well ...

But i do have one more question to you Haferbrei ..

Since this mezzanine is quite aged, i cannot even to FW 7.4.0, HPE stopped apparently supporting the NC382m with FW 5.2.3 (with the broadcom firmware updater), so how did you get FW 7.4.0 on that card ?

That firmware (>5.2.3) is only supported through the QLogic NX2 firmware update utility, which in turn does not support the NC382m ...



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