VMware Cloud Community

Issue with WebSocket Connection to HTML Console in VMware

Hello VMware Community,

I'm encountering an issue when trying to connect to an HTML console via WebSocket. Below is the process I followed and the error I'm experiencing. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Using Python, I retrieved VNC connection information for a virtual machine. The code snippet used is as follows:


Using Python, I retrieved VNC connection information for a virtual machine. The code snippet used is as follows:






    ticket = vm.AcquireMksTicket()
    print("VNC connection information for {}:".format(vm_name))
    print("Host: {}".format(ticket.host))
    print("Port: {}".format(ticket.port))
    print("Ticket: {}".format(ticket.ticket))
    print("SSL thumbprint: {}".format(ticket.sslThumbprint))
except vmodl.MethodFault as e:
    print("Failed to get VNC connection information: {}".format(e.msg))






This resulted in the following

VNC connection information for dev-test - 10.xxxxxxxxxxxx:
Host: ch1-dev-esxi1.lab.local
Port: 902
Ticket: 52xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SSL thumbprint: [Thumbprint]


However, when attempting to use this information to connect to the HTML console, I'm facing a WebSocket connection failure. The error message is:

WebSocket connection to 'wss://[IP]:[Port]/ticket/[Ticket-ID]' failed

Here's the HTML and JavaScript code I used for the connection:





<!DOCTYPE html>
... [Rest of the HTML code] ...
var wmks = WMKS.createWMKS("wmksContainer",{})
  .register(WMKS.CONST.Events.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE, function(event, data){
    if(data.state == WMKS.CONST.ConnectionState.CONNECTED){
      console.log("connection state change: connected");






Additional Checks:

  1. The VM is running without issues.
  2. VMware Tools are installed, current, and running (Version 12288, 12.0.0).

I'm unsure why this WebSocket connection is failing. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or can provide some insights into what might be going wrong?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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4 Replies

Hi @mdusman 

Did you manage to sort this issue, I'm also experiencing this issue

0 Kudos


Yes. I resolved the issue. 


Can you share the snippet of code you are using? I will try to help.

0 Kudos


from vcenter, im getting the ticket and the url "wss://02LUM11:443/ticket/c6051953a5b7**********"

and the html code that was gotten from wmware websorket HTML console


below is the html code I'm using 

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/wmks-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/wmks.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<div id="wmksContainer" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%"></div>
var wmks = WMKS.createWMKS("wmksContainer",{})
.register(WMKS.CONST.Events.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE, function(event,data){
if(data.state == WMKS.CONST.ConnectionState.CONNECTED){
console.log("connection state change : connected");}


0 Kudos

Hi @Ellybee 

Okay since you are using this url wss://02LUM11:443/ticket/c6051953a5b7**********"

Please check following 


1. 02LUM11:443 (this should have a valid certificate). If you are using self-signed certificate, go to 02LUM11 in your browser and accept its certificate and then retry connection. This part is important because browsers does not accept self-signed certificate automatically.

2. In Vcenter there are two functions to acquire ticket AcquireTicket and AcquireWebMKSTicket. Ticket obtained by first method works in our case. . Check this URL

Sample Javascript Code - HTML Console SDK Programming Guide (vmware.com)

    2a. If you are using python code use 



Let me know if this helps or if you have any further questions.

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