VMware Cloud Community

Let ESXi turn off when battery => ends?


I am using ESXi 5, and due to lack of vma interface, I am thinking of only turning of the hosts using NUT clients and let the ESXi be shutdowned by lack of battery/power. This way, with correct configuration in BIOS, ESXi will also come up once the power is back.

My question is if this will be any harm for the ESXi installation?

If yes, is there a better way to do it?

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2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

By lack of vMA, what do you mean?  There is a vMA for v5.  I wouldn't think it would harm it since you are attempting to do a clean shutdown.

James B. | Blog: http://www.vSential.com | Twitter: @vSential --- If you found this helpful then please awards helpful or correct points accordingly. Thanks!
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As I understand, vMA is a paid service, am I correct?

Well, I am thinking of leaving ESXi on until the battery is empty, so the shutdown is not so clean as I see it...

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