VMware Cloud Community


Greetings to all the colleagues of the forum.

My question to the community is the following: I have a created machine (Thin hard drive) whose "provisioned storage" is 700 GB. The "Used storage" is 740.96 GB.

On the other hand, if I look from within the S.O. installed, in this case Windows2019server, the disk is 700 GB and there is 72 GB of free space.

How is it possible that there is more space in "Used storage" than in "provisioned storage" and instead we have 10% of the OS disk free, on the Windows virtual machine ?

I attach screenshots. Thanks for your response in advance.



DISK so windows.jpg






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1 Reply

Piggy-backing on guajiro2000's post because I have run into this issue and cannot find any other documentation on it.

I'm running a Signiant Media Shuttle SDCX server on a Linux 9 VM in ESXi 7.0 U2. This VM became overloaded with transfer requests and went above its provisioned memory. This caused the machine to degrade the running transfers  until they eventually failed. Now the disk, which is Thin, is showing a higher used size than what is provisioned. 

I shut down the VM and added more provisioned storage and more memory, then booted the machine back on. Yet the same errors are occurring when I attempt to run the server, yielding the error "no space left on device". I ran the df command and it shows that dev/mapper/r1-root is at 100% use at around 73.3GB, yet I provisioned 200GB to the machine.

I've linked screenshots of the used space being over the provisioned in the ESXi, as well as what the machine is reporting for disk usage.


Now, used space is reporting as over the provisioned space across all of my thin-disk VMs in this environment.

What is the solve? I had the thought to just reboot the host. Would that help?


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