VMware Cloud Community

Unable to Connect to ESXi 4 After Upgrade

I upgraded an existing ESXi 3 server to ESXi 4 Update 1 in place. This was done with the vSphere Host Update Utility.

The upgrade seemed to go smoothly, until the installer got to 100% and reported that it "stopped working" on my Win7 workstation and was shut down. However, this was LONG after the reboot and the system console shows that it is running 4.0. For all intents and purposes, the system seems to be running fine from the console.

Whenever I try to access it from the vSphere Client now, though, I get an error: "vSphere Client could not connect with the vCenter Server "ipaddress". Details: A commection failure occurred (Unable to connect to the remote server)."This is the case from multiple machines.

In the process of troubleshooting, I captured a trace with Wireshark, which showed that the SYN packets from my workstation are getting to the server, but getting returned immediately with RST packets. Obviously, the machine is on the network (and it responds to pings appropriately), but it is rejecting all attempts to connect with the client. Attempting to connect via web client at that address returns an identical message -- it immediately refuses the connection. Restarting the box has not helped, nor has restarting the management interfaces in the console. Passwords are certainly correct, since I can log in from the console itself. (The client never even sends a password, so that's not it.)

In the Management log, there is a message towards the endto the effect of "panic: Address family not supported by protocol". Not sure if this is related to the problem or not. Restarting the Management Interfaces and Agents has not helped at all. Test Management Network shows success on all counts, including DNS lookup.

I'm now stuck with a ESXi box that I cannot access from any client. Since all guest boxes were shut down for the upgrade, none are running, and I cannot get logged in to start them. Anybody have an idea how to get around this, or how to resolve in some other way? I really hate to have to wipe the box and reload my VM's...

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2 Replies

Never found any viable solutions. Tried numerous changes, all to no avail. When I used the Installer and attempted a repair, it fixed the problem, but trashed by entire datastore. Now I have to re-load everything from backup. Yuck!

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Never found any viable solutions. Tried numerous changes, all to no avail. When I used the Installer and attempted a repair, it fixed the problem, but trashed by entire datastore. Now I have to re-load everything from backup. Yuck!

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