VMware Cloud Community

Unable to connect to the MKS: Virtual machine config file does not exist

I am having problems when connecting to our VMs which is mounted on iSCSI partition on a NAS. When I attempt to console, it says “Unable to connect to the MKS: Virtual machine config file does not exist…” The NAS is an Iomega ix4-200r which is mounted on an IBM HS21 blade on iSCSI.

When I attempt to browse the datastore it’s completely empty. It’s as if, there’s no data in the store at all. This problem will resolve once I reboot the host or NAS. This error occurs once every fortnight or so.

When I do SNMP to the NAS the traffic is in 10s of Mbps/s and its a 1GB port on both the NAS and host. So connection between the host and NAS is unlikely the issue. Besides the host and NAS are on the same segment.

I appreciate any comments or if you could share your experience on this.

Many thanks


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1 Reply

Did you ever resolve this?

This issue has come up again and again for me on NAS units which are iSCSI capable. I am not sure why but here is something which might help:

Unable to connect to MKS: Virtual machine config file does not exist

Good luck.

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