VMware Cloud Community

Update 2 Anyone?

With all the bugs associated with the U1 installation, should everyone just skip it and use the Update 2 when its released?

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3 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

You might be waiting awhile before u2 comes out, VMware has put out a fix for ESX(i) 4.0u1 called ESX(i) 4.0u1a, take a look at this blog post by Duncan: http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2009/12/10/esxi-4-0-update-1a/


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

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When you say "all the bugs" can you be more specifc?

I'm aware there's a problem with HP agents if you upgrade from 4.0, but I'm running U1 on a number of hosts with HP agents and I'm not seeing any issues.

As it happens, Update 1 has actually fixed a problem with my x64 windows machines showing high memory utilisation, so I'm pleased.

I've not had time to dig around and see what other issues were introduced with U1, but I'd like to know before they bite me.


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Well, the VMware Tools do not work on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 (and no, removing the SVGA and/or VSS drivers from install is not a fix)

When using the vSphere client on a Windows 7 machine, you cannot reset a virtual machine (Ctrl + T) without having to shutdown the entire client and all vSphere client-related spawned applications (vmware-rc). It freezes.

I've got more, but its nearing end of day for me and I don't like to take it home with me.

At any rate, there are quite a few issues, and I haven't really seen that many (except for the time bug incident), so it kind of surprises me.

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