VMware Cloud Community

VCBMounter.exe hangs with file option, works fine with full vm

Hello All,

Running Version (build-150805) on Windows 2003 VCB proxy into VSphere setup. Was working fine and all of a sudden over the past few days, our vcbmounter script has been hanging, screwing up our backups. When running VCBMounter.exe from command line, it works fine using full vm, but hangswhen using the 'file' option.

SAN is fibre channel composed of EMC CX500, mcdata and qlogic switches along with an enhance technology RS16fs...have tried different combos and paths..same thing.

Have tried rebooting VCB proxy, rebooting ESX host, new fibre jumpers...nada. Happens on different ESX hosts.

It gets past doing snapshot and session just hangs. If you try and CTRL-C, you just get "cancelling...please wait" and you need to kill cmd.exe:

Received soap response from [TCP:lo

calhost:443]: retrieveContent

Main session keepalive.

Sending soap request to [TCP:localh

ost:443]: retrieveContent

Received soap response from [TCP:lo

calhost:443]: retrieveContent

Main session keepalive.

Sending soap request to [TCP:localh

ost:443]: retrieveContent

Received soap response from [TCP:lo

calhost:443]: retrieveContent

Main session keepalive.

Sending soap request to [TCP:localh

ost:443]: retrieveContent

Received soap response from [TCP:lo

calhost:443]: retrieveContent

Have opened case with support and they said there are other similar cases and don't have an answer yet...I guess I'll have to back up over network for now, but hoping someone may have seen.

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2 Replies

Hello Curtis,

We are having this same exact problem with vcbmounter since upgrading vcb. I have logged a case with vmware support but they do not seem to be much help so far. Have you found a resolution to this?



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Hi Chuck,

What I eventually ended up doing was uninstalling Microsoft MPIO support on the VCB server (had it on the for iscsi testing only as I use FC), and I think that seemed to help. Unfortunately, I then ended up changing my whole backup strategy around and backing up data remotely to tape and doing full vm's via vcb on the weekend. That has worked best for me.

I still get the occasional hang when i try to do file method and a reboot of VC server helps....

Let us know how you make out...

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