VMware Cloud Community

VM stuck in ESXi 6.0.0


We have a VM host with ESXi 6.0 with a storage of synology.

On this Host there were 5 VM's Windows server 2012R2 running.

This morning i deployed a new VM Windows server 2012R2 and it was running fine.

So far so good, until i tried to install VMware tools.

After about 10 minutes i received an error and all was stuck.

I could not open a RDP session anymore, console didn't work, couldn't even power off the machine cause of an error "another process is running"

After a long time i was able to unmount the tools installer.

I can't seem to find an error log which points me in the wright direction of this error....

Can anyone help me?

Kind regards, Wim

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1 Reply

sounds like it might be in the guest OS, I'm only saying this because you couldn't rdp to it. This could still be in the virtual side e.g. network or host hosting it but I think I would start in the guest OS logs. If vmtools wasn't installed then some virtual power options do not work.

Check the performance graphs of the VM at the time and see if high CPU or absent CPU activity was happening on the guest.

Also check the graphs for any host performance changing.

Another thing to consider is the storage to this VM, did that have a problem at the time as this would holt the VM, you should see this in the guest OS as a failed to write erro.

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