VMware Cloud Community

Verify datastore space and provisioning

  1. I thought maybe it was possible to see in the datastore's Summary, if it is thin or thick provisioned datastore, but I can't find it. That depends on the virtual disks on it, am I right?
  2. I am confused, see screenshots. The first image is from the datastore view and the second is from the migrate datastore wizard. The free size is not the same, but shouldn't it?

Powershell gives me this output. Maybe a bug in the Web Client? Tried to "Refresh Capacity Information" but nothing happened and the Last Updated column gives me the same dates as before

Name                                           FreeSpaceGB      CapacityGB

----                                                         -----------      ----------

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-01                 203,778       4 095,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-02                 201,778       4 095,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-03                 103,759       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-04                 239,788       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-05                 286,788       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-06                 132,788       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-07                 189,788       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-08                 288,621       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-09                 211,788       2 047,750

U01B-SQLEU1-DAT-CNN-10                 893,788       2 047,750



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4 Replies

You can determine if a VM has thick/thin disks by looking at the Virtual Machines list and lining the "Provisioned Space" and "Used Space" column up next to one and other. when provisioned is equal or almost equal to used, then it is thick.

RV Tools outputs this information in a nice spreadsheet for your convenience.

+The Invisible Admin+ If you find me useful, follow my blog: http://johnborhek.com/
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Thx. Any comments to my second question?

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I am confused, see screenshots. The first image is from the datastore view and the second is from the migrate datastore wizard. The free size is not the same, but shouldn't it?

few GBs which you see missing from some datastores in second screenshot might be associated with time window.


When you took first screenshot from datastore view, your U01B-xxxxxx-01 Datastore was reporting free space 206.78 GB

and then when you took second screenshot of migration wizard, that same datastore is reporting free space as 203.78 GB

what if, between your first and second screenshot creation, one of the VM residing on that datastore powered on and it has consumed about 3 GB space for VSWP file

this is just an example, there's other possibilities too which might show you small differences due to utilisation of datastore space happened. May be VM got migrated from one datastore to other. May be new VM got provisioned or new VMDKs got created as part of ongoing operations.

In my lab, I ran a small test, and I found free space in Datastore view and migration wizard exactly same and that's why I am suspecting that one of more of above things might have been affecting.

Narendra Padmani VCIX6-DCV | VCIX7-CMA | VCI | TOGAF 9 Certified
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Hi there,

there 2 different Provisionings.

- Storage based

- Vmware based

are you searching for Datastore thin Query?  or for vmdk Thin query?

As for Datastore  have a look to:

$Esxi = Connect-VIServer (Read-Host "Enter IP")

$vmhostview = get-vmhost |Get-View

$ScsiLuns   = @($vmhostview.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun | where {$_.LunType -eq "disk"})

$Datastores = @($vmhostview.Config.FileSystemVolume.MountInfo)

$esxcli = get-esxcli

$devices = $esxcli.storage.core.device.list()

$LunCol = @()

foreach ($Lun in $ScsiLuns){

$objLun = "" | select Device, Name,VolumeName,ThinStatus

$objLun.Device = $Lun.CanonicalName

$objLun.Name = $Lun.Displayname

$objLun.ThinStatus = ($devices |where {$_.device -eq $Lun.CanonicalName}).ThinProvisioningStatus

foreach ($vol in $Datastores | % {$_.volume}) {

  if ($vol.extent | % {$_.diskname -eq $Lun.CanonicalName}) { $objLun.VolumeName = $vol.Name }


$LunCol += $objLun


$LunCol |ft -auto

Disconnect-viserver * -Force -Confirm:$false



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