VMware Cloud Community

Virtual machine powered of by "User"

Hi, i am having the exact samt problem as this user:

Virtual Machine Powered off by "User"

But i am running ESXi Free 6.00 2494585 and the guest is a windows 8.

It just shuts down about once every 3-6 months. The host is still up (uptime says 160 days now).

events says this:

Virtual machine on localhost.localdomain is

powered off


2017-02-02 01:16:05

Windows 8


but noone powered it off. Who is this "User" ?

Also there is nothing in the logs until it powers on again. The last lins are these:

2017-01-12T03:58:51.206Z| vcpu-1| I120: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0

2017-01-25T01:55:18.984Z| vcpu-1| I120: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0

2017-01-26T04:51:13.425Z| vcpu-2| I120: CDROM: Emulate GET CONFIGURATION RT 0 starting feature 0

and the new log begins when the machine is started:

2017-02-02T00:45:59.308Z| vmx| I120: Log for VMware ESX pid=8601607 version=6.0.0 build=build-2494585 option=Release

2017-02-02T00:45:59.308Z| vmx| I120: The process is 64-bit.

2017-02-02T00:45:59.308Z| vmx| I120: Host codepage=UTF-8 encoding=UTF-8

2017-02-02T00:45:59.308Z| vmx| I120: Host is VMkernel 6.0.0

2017-02-02T00:45:59.305Z| vmx| I120: VTHREAD initialize main thread 0 "vmx" pid 8601607

What should i do? This also existed on the vanilla version on 6.o so the update didnt help.

this is the machine:

Supermicro X10SLL-F Xeon E3-1231 V3, 8GB memory, 500GB sata for esxi and the vm is on a datastore on another 500GB sata.

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6 Replies

Verify the Guest OS event logs or upload and let me know the reboot  time stamp

Thanks & Regards

Arjun Dooti

0 Kudos

Will upload them soon. The thing is that they are empty. It just says uptime. and the when we start it says last shutdown was unscheduled. no BSOD, just as if power chord was yanked if it was a physical machine. Same outcome as this virtual machine.

0 Kudos

the first log on startup is from Kernel-General that the computer started. The next one is from eventlog that the last poweroff was unplanned 01:14:45.

Before there is nothing for two hours and the last one before the startup vad BITS. So the system didnt do anything.

I suspect that the process for the VM died in ESXi, how can i check that?

0 Kudos

Hello hansforsen,

You can search for words like "Reset" "poweroff" etc in the vmware.log under the /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/VM folder.

Please have a look into the KB 1019064 for more code words. For sure, there will be an event. It has to be identified in the vmware.log and respective hostd.log on the ESXi host.

You can also share the log file to me and the timestamp, i can help you with that.



0 Kudos

i have already checked those logs. They are in the first message. They say nothing about power off or reset as stated above. please check that message. Where are the log files for ESXi so i can check them? I can upload the logs for the machine but they are as i stated above. Do you still want them?

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nyone know where i can find the esxi logs that can point me in the right direction? The machine logs say nothing.

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