VMware Cloud Community

Windows 8 Developer Preview ESXi 5, no go

So did anyone find a trick to gettting this installed and running on ESXi ?

I see lots of people having issues with any VMWare product and this release. Only place I see this working is on the last nights GA of Workstation 8.

Is there anything that we can do to get this up and runing on ESX ?

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10 Replies

Did this actually work for you ? I`m able to select windows 8 (64 or 32bit) from drop down menu after creating a virtual machine, but the machine does even start the install just powers off.

Were you able to get this running  ?

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This doesn't work...

How's that... Windows 8 and Windows 8 Server (both in 32 and 64 bit) are implemented in the ESXi 5.0 OS drop down list (but oddly NOT when creating the VM in the first place... but later when editing it?!), but Windows 8 crashes because ACPI 2.0 is not supported. It's embarassing for VMware that they do not support an ACPI 2.0 standard from year 2000! ACPI 3.0 was already defined 2003... :smileyshocked:

Btw, Windows 8 installed without ANY issues on an old Sony Vaio laptop (2-3 years old)... but not on a three weeks old VMware ESXi release... :smileyangry:

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vmjoe wrote:


This doesn't work...

How's that... Windows 8 and Windows 8 Server (both in 32 and 64 bit) are implemented in the ESXi 5.0 OS drop down list (but oddly NOT when creating the VM in the first place... but later when editing it?!), but Windows 8 crashes because ACPI 2.0 is not supported. It's embarassing for VMware that they do not support an ACPI 2.0 standard from year 2000! ACPI 3.0 was already defined 2003... :smileyshocked:

Btw, Windows 8 installed without ANY issues on an old Sony Vaio laptop (2-3 years old)... but not on a three weeks old VMware ESXi release... :smileyangry:

First of all VM's are TOTALLY different from Physical machines, so yes Windows 8 may work on other hardware, not surprising..

But SERIOUSLY, it's been out a WHOLE day you are ALREADY complaining it needs to be supported???!!  It takes time to make APPs compatible.. did you lose your common sense or are you high?

0 Kudos

Very surprising that this is not working on ESXi 5. There must be something that can be done.....

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But SERIOUSLY, it's been out a WHOLE day you are ALREADY complaining it needs to be supported???!!  It takes time to make APPs compatible.. did you lose your common sense or are you high?

Neither. But why is VMware "claiming" to support Windows 8 (it is inthe OS dropdown list) if they do not even implement the required 11 year old ACPI standard... :smileyconfused: The competition does... (and other VMware products like Workstation... but not their "flagship"...)

0 Kudos

Yeah, surprised about this, too...
Hopefully we'll get a workaround for it. Would be very nice to try out Win 8 on ESX, instead of having to install VMware Workstation... Smiley Wink

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Still nothing. I know its been only few days, but if M$ wants developers to preview and VMware wants to have sysadmins running this on ESX server shouldnt we have something from atleast one party by now ? I got it running on VMWorkstation 8, but this is not a solution for me as this developers do not want to run it on there workstations and some have VDIs....

Come on

0 Kudos

Hi all,

it doesn't work on my ESXi 5 installation, but for what it's worth - it works on my Fusion 4 installation on my Macbook Pro.

Ciao, Bernd

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Hold on for a second, VMware does not claim support. All supported OS's are listed in the compatibility guide and Windows 8 is not listed: http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=software

Here's a KB that tracks this problem, I suggest following it: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2006859


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