VMware Cloud Community

coverting vms to thin provision on local storage

Hi, I have few vms running on local storage that I want to convert them into thin storage. The thing is that I can't shut them down, I can't migrate them to another storage. How can I covert them from thick to thin provision without impacting the users?

Any ideas? thanks

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2 Replies
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If you have the Enterprise or Enterprise Plus license (or are in eval mode), then you can use storage migration to change the format while keeping them on the same datastore.

Right click the VM -> "Migrate..."

Choose "Change datastore"

Click the Advanced button

Verify that all volumes and the Configuration File are set to ; Click Next

Select "Thin provisioned format" and click Next

Verify your changes and click Finish


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If you don't have the enterprise or enterprise plus license then you have no other choice but to shut down the vm. Once it is shut down then you can use the "migrate" feature and go to advanced and you can migrate the disks and reprovision to thin.

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