VMware Cloud Community

iSCSI login from ESXi 4.0 host to Dell EQL failed

I have an ESXi 4.0 HA cluster with 3 hosts. All 3 hosts are configured exactly the same. Each host has two adapters dedicated to iSCSI, and each are teamed to one NIC only (one is set to active, and the other to unused, and visa versa on the other). When I rescan on my iSCSI adapter, it only finds my array on the first VMKernel. I am able to ping from the interface in question to the array in an SSH session on the host. Also, the EQL array sees the attempt and throws up the following error:

iSCSI login to target '10.x.x.x:3260, discovery' from initiator '10.x.x.x:55918, iqn.1998-01.com.vmware:HOSTNAME-0bbcf949' failed for the following reason:

Initiator disconnected from target during login.

Like I said, all of the config is the same between the three hosts, yet the other two hosts are working fine, and I see 4 paths and 2 targets (the volume and the snapshot target x2) as I would expect to. Any ideas on this?



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2 Replies


I had a similar problem while one of the two switches has been powered off and only one path was active...

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Hi this forum is for issues relating to VI3, I am moving this post to the dedicated vSphere ESX 4.0 forum

Tom Howarth VCP / VCAP / vExpert
VMware Communities User Moderator
Blog: http://www.planetvm.net
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