VMware Cloud Community

only one ESXi can mark RDM as perennially reservation as true which included two node MSCS vm


I have two ESXi 5.5 host ,each host has owned one node of MSCS VM ,   each VM mount 5 RDM disk.

the resaon of the host reoot or rescan deive is verly slowly which already know it when mount RDM disk for MSCS,  So the KB introduces that make RDM disk as perennially reserved as true. like bleow sample.

esxcli storage core device setconfig -d naa.60003ff347d2d21093a1eec30b68af02 --perennially-reserved=true

I only config one host which are effect,   but another host which is the perennially reservation has restored false after reboot server,  you can found it via screenshot ,and have some error log as well.   anybody who know it what's reason to cause it ?

reset lun config after reboot server.jpgPerennial reservation still false after reboot.jpg

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2 Replies

Did you issue the command on both hosts? This perennially reserved flag needs to be set on every host.

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Hi P_hall,

Thanks for your kindly reply.

Yes, both of two ESXi host which already set on it . but it seems like only one esxi host can take effect. another host will be reset to false for perennially reservation after reboot.

Since this is my test environment which used workstaion to build.   I guess if it has different test result between test and production environment?   It confused me a long time also not found answer in the internet as well.

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