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vSphere Web Client is so bad that my experience managing and supporting VMware has turn to....

Purpose of this post is simple and obvious...  bring back development to thick client.  THANKS!

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I don't know about that.  It seems like most people didn't want a web client, at all.

Finally they've listened to most people complaints with the vSphere client with HTML5 vSphere HTML5 Web Client – VMware Labs

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Fully agree with you. The webclient is the most horrendous piece of sh...y software I ever worked with. Finding things is very difficult (compared to c# client). Speed of flash interface improved significantly in vsphere 6. But it doesn't change the fact that it's not very intuitive. I don't mind web-based client, but the VMware should replicate interface layout to resemble c#.

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Looks like we lost the battle 😐


There will be no more Windows client after vSphere 6.0 Update 2

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‌wow. That must be a joke. Dont understand that vmware ignoring lot of Blaming.

we had already a WebSolution in the Past.

even with HTML5 webclient its a pain in comparison to vi-client.

why change something which works?

ha seems its time to pay in future developers to Build a usefull Client

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Seems like VMware is not listening to this and is moving ahead ignoring the pain of the engineers and administrators that support their product. Talk about arrogance. The web client is the most atrocious thing they have ever built. AND YET, you still need the fat client to perform certain tasks.

Recommendation:  None, since you are not listening anyways.

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I would just like to add my support to this post, despite the fact that there seem to have been no new articles since May 2015.

The vSphere Web Client is an abomination and is ill conceived in the extreme. I get the notion that they are trying to remove dependence on Windows - indeed we are a minimal Windows house - but this is clearly not the way. For starters, it's built on Flash. I mean seriously, WTF?? Flash is clearly on the decline, a horrendous resource hog, and banned in a number of organisations (let alone OS's). The performance of the web client, even the new 6.0 version, is appalling. I have literally wasted days of my life trying to get this dysfunctional wreck of an application to administer my hypervisors.

I should add at this point that the underlying tech - ESXi and so forth - is a work of genius. But saddling it to this utterly hopeless train wreck of an administration interface is deluded and will surely damage VMware's market share.

VMware, for the love of all things holy, get a grip on this before it's too late. I have been using your products for nearly a decade but the standard of this software is so poor that I am strongly considering looking elsewhere for my customers' virtualisation needs.

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‌sadly the thick client is being retired in full in v6.2.

rrecently I have been experiencing issues when trying to execute things, or view things, in the thick client that are only available in the web. 

NEwer evc evc modes are only availanle in web client !

i tried to perform crash if vm to collect a dump from within guest os in 5.5 and it only worked in web client. 

not only has the mgmt of this stack gone to hell, but vmwate marketing has taken over and they moving and retiring components to the point where your head will spin and the SnS pricing is a CRAZY rip off.  

SHould i even even bother to comment on support?   Ugggghhhh

its been a good run and I've road the vm  for 12 years now, time to consider changing focus. 

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‌I really think this thread needs to die. The host only client is already html5. Many of the appliances now are html5 for the management portal. There is an html5 web client fling which anyone can download, and I have to believe will be production for the next release. Though I believe it was said there are going to be some side-by-side client versions running for a bit.

So does the current flash web client have issues? Yes. Can they be worked around in many cases? Yes. Has VMware sat around and closed their eyes to this? No not at all.

I have used the web client fling, and it is quite impressive. And if anyone has used any of the appliances with their new html5 interfaces, such as the latest VCSA you should be impressed with that as well. And of course the html5 host client in 6U2 is quick, fast, and very impressive.

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‌tthanks for sharing this info, I am upgrading to v6.2 starting later in the summer, to hear this is good news but I'm going to have see for myself how well it's improved.  Intuitiveness and ease of use is just as important as the technical issues, hopefully there is improvement in the layout as well. 

the moves VMware made around this over the past few years have been ugly to say the least.

and as for this thread dying, I believe this thread is the most viewed thread in the history of VMTN, look at the count!  It may die soon though for sure. 

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VMware web client is the the worst piece of software I have ever seen. Since 2014 they telling us the next version will have big improvments - simple not true!

With 6.0 U2 it still need Flash, refresh is not working, update manager is not included, NEVER install plugins because web client is "very sensitive" (o-ton support), permissions are not working...

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Hi guys,

I'm still stuck running vCenter 5.5 because I love the thick client and managing Horizon View 6 is always been a breeze with it.

Is it worth it now to try the web client with the fling HTML5 support or do you guys think still better off running 5.5?

Any feedback is appreciated.  Smiley Happy

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jdrickman‌ I agree with you mate,

Somehow this promotion does looks attractive this week: https://www.petri.com/microsofts-targets-vmware-customers-free-windows-server-license :smileyinfo:

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I googled for "vSphere web client sucks" and look what I found, this VMware communities thread listed as #1.  I have been using VMware ESXi since v4.  I have tried to embrace the vSphere Web Client in the past years, but it is just horrible to work with.  I have been hoping it would get better over time, but IS HAS NOT.  I still go back to the Windows vSphere Client to do console sessions and a few admin actions.  It's sad that the Windows client is going away for good. I have seen better in-browser solutions that perform like a program, but this vSphere Web Client just runs like s***t.  VMware, you will be loosing me as a customer if this continues.  You must solve this in 2017 or its out the door you go.

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Every company I work for I have to deal with the piece of junk Flash client.  It doesn't work well on Linux, it is slow as hell on Windows, and eats up memory like nobody's business.  Most days it feels like it would be more efficient (and cheaper with VMWare's licensing!) to drive down to my local Fry's and buy some servers to stack under the desks in the office.

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The web client has ALL the downsides of being browser-based, and none of the benefits.  Being a Flash-based product means it's like trying to do productive and interactive work with a YouTube video.  All too often I want to highlight text on the screen to paste into my notes (usable and editable TEXT, mind you, not a screen shot).  Can't do that because it's a stupid video pretending to be a WORKspace.  I'd like to be able to open tabs to different parts of the client (like you would with any COMPETENTLY designed product) so I can jump around between different sections, perhaps different VMs, etc.  I might want to compare and look things up without losing my place.  Cant because it's a stupid video pretending to be a WORKspace.  Perhaps I'd like to copy a storage path to paste into a look-up/search?  Nope, can't because it's a stupid video pretending to be a WORKspace.


OpenStack certainly had it's shortcomings, but you could actually do REAL work with it, rather than trying to use a semi-functional rigged-demo hacked together in an obsolete, inflexible and insecure plugin meant for nothing more than multimedia games (I know the sort of thing Flash was supposed to do, I had worked for a company that made CD-ROM multimedia/educational software with Director, which is the basis/predecessor of Flash).

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Has anyone here use vSphere 6.5 yet ?

I see that they now have better HTML 5 interface.

and perhaps the last version to support Windows VCenter server.

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I installed the vcsa in my lab Environment with 2 esxi hosts.

upgrade from Version 6 vcsa worked well! you got a new VM but the old VCSA VM is still in the datastore. so if something Fails just power it on. Even my Backup worked without any additional work!

The new Webclient is limited in some functions, but the most important are available. It is a fast and usable webiterface, instead of the old Flash one. i really like it!

ATM i am missing the update Manager Integration Smiley Wink
But you are able to work with it. migrate, modify vms. open console, upload files to datastore. check and start/stop esxi Services (ssh/esxishell).

I am really looking Forward now. i really thank the VMware god for this webclient!

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No Way for me.  i 100% stay away from 6.5.

i really don't understand why Vmware going that Way.

HTML5 is not 100% finished - so they have next to it still the Flash Version.

So why they remove c# if HTML5 not Fully Implemented.

Too much Changes where happend to that Version. 

For me 6.5 means just the First Step.

i will wait for 7.x

Best regards

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Also not really understandable why focusing so much on Appliances.   me personally like to have the vCenter dedicated installed and not virtual.

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The thick Windows only vSphere Client at least worked (Yes Windows only was a pain in the backside). However, the vSphere Web Client is a piece of junk. Anyone at VMware who decided to go that route and worked on this crap should be ashamed of themselves....