VMware Cloud Community

VEssentials product from VizionCore - Needs a feedback

Hi all,

I just have a look on the bundle from Vizioncore (Vessentials) which contains :

. Vranger Pro

. Vreplicator

. Vcharter

I would need some experience feedback on these tools. Does it save your life and time ? Benefits / constraints ?

My Vmware env. is not really complex but I need the maximum of security to be able to recover a potential crash with my ESX env :

- 2 HA/DRS ESX 3.02 for Prod

- 2 HA/DRS ESX 3.02 for Dev

- 2 HA/DRS ESX 3.02 for DR

- 3 HA/DRS ESX 3.02 for UAT / testing

Thanks a lot !


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3 Replies

If you're looking for backup, DR SAN replication or ESX monitoring tools than vEssentials is your toys but you realize there are more vendors out there neither free or license such as Veeam backup, VCB, VISBU, esXpress, vmSight, vKernel and others out there. In order to provide your ESX redundant and prevent from failured, then you should architect and plan it correctly on the ESX hosts itself instead of vEssential product which doesn't provide that.

Your ESX Enterprise should allow you to use HA and VMotion features as well as DRS and VCB. If you have all components redundantly architected, than your failed ESX host will not affect your virtual machines but rather restarted on available hosts. Make sure HBAs, Networking, Storage and ESX hosts are multipath redundant and have HA enabled should be fine. Read more advance docs and guides on www.vmware-land.com for details.

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Stefan Nguyen

iGeek Systems Inc.

VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Consultant

If you found this information useful, please consider awarding points for "Correct" or "Helpful". Thanks!!! Regards, Stefan Nguyen VMware vExpert 2009 iGeek Systems Inc. VMware vExpert, VCP 3 & 4, VSP, VTSP, CCA, CCEA, CCNA, MCSA, EMCSE, EMCISA
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I have almost all the "security" tools / config in Place (HA/San repl/backup) but I'm still envisaging the worse case : What's happended if my Datastore(s) is corrupted ?

It's why I'm looking to replicate all my critical VM's to a separate ESX host connected to it's own Standalone Datastore

In the same time, I would need a easily procedure/GUI for my collegues who do not have enough Vmware knowledge to switch to DR in case of failure It's why I'm looking to Vizioncore tools which can maybe help everybody

I have also a very small RTO for critical servers, and even If I can restore Vm's via my TSM, I will not reach my RTO. I'm not using VCB yet, I did not have time to take a look to this.

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Does anyone arleady get an issue with a datastore/VMFS volume corrupted with ESX 3.02 ?



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