VMware Cloud Community

VMware Advanced Setting to Disable Power Management Feature Causing Slow Wake for Console

I am running VMware ESXi 5.1 latest build as of this posting, and I can't seem to find the advanced setting in VMware that can be set in the VMhost to disable the sleep and hibernation functions so that the VMware Console Screen is quicker to respond. If someone can tell me how to resolve the issue of slow console response, it would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Inside Windows, I have run the command "powercfg -h off" to disable any power management features inside Windows.
  2. I have also checked to ensure that the screen saver is turned off. I am running Windows 2008 so Aero is not an issue.
  3. I know that there are advanced options such as "powerType.powerOff", and "powerType.suspend", but I wasn't sure if these settings really addressed the problem with the console being slow to respond and/or wake up.

If someone could please tell me the advanced VMware setting and/or VMhost setting that can be adjusted to ensure that when switching to a VMware and clicking on the Console tab, that the console is displayed almost immediately.

Thanks and much appreciated.

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1 Reply

With 5.1 we also find that it is slow to respond with the Console tab (if at all). If you right click on the Guest and "Open Console" it seems to work fine and the tab console starts work a few seconds later. Would like a proper fix but it helps for now.

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