VMware Cloud Community

iSCSI Base Connectivity?


I am looking for a new iSCSI storage. So I check at first some manufactures listed in the Storage / SAN Compatibility Guide (http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vi3_san_guide.pdf).

I am a little bit confused about the point "iSCSI Base Connectivity". I thought at first it is something like whether an ESX-host can be connected to an iSCSI storage. On page 18 it is written: "iSCSI Base Connectivity - The ability of an ESX Server host to recognize the target and interoperate with it".

Then I saw on page 21 (Fujitsu Siemens CX300i for ESX Server 3.0.1) that "iSCSI Base Connectivity" is not possible (no cross there). The rest like "SP failover" or "NIC failover" is possible. It does not make any sense for me!

So what does this mean finally? Is it just a mistake?

Thank you for your help!

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1 Reply

That's a bug, I guess - you can see the CX300i (with the same FW) under EMC with "base connectivity" too. So that is supported like by EMC.

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