VMware Horizon Community

Dedicated assignment pool - Mulitple logins

Within a dedicated assignment pool, where each user is assigned a provisioned desktop when they log into the system for the first time, is there a way for them to be logged into that desktop from multiple View accessable locations?

Right now we have a couple teachers who log into multiple machines with there single domain account.  They might log into there base machine, and then a machine they use a presentation machine.  We would like them to still be able to do this while using UDD's and dedicated assignments.

Thanks for your help Smiley Happy


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3 Replies

They can login from the mulitple machines but they can only have one session open to the desktop.  What would happen is the session on the first machine would be dropped when they opened it from the second machine. 


I think for a solution like this you may want to take a look at AppSense. They have a nice product that is designed to stream a users' profile on a just in time basis. Using this tech you can get rid of persistent desktops because any desktop that the user gets can be rapidly made to be his desktop. They call this user virtualization. I have seen it in action and it is fast and effective. Appsense may also be used to upgrade a user from Windows XP to Windows 7 instantly. If you choose to take a different path then I would first ask you if your View connection servers are on the same LAN? I ask because you cannot replicate connection servers across a WAN. If you want the user to have access to their persistent VM from any location then you may decide to provide an external link for the connection server at the other site so that the user can connect to her VM. This is more or less what we do in our environment. I suggest you take a look at the Appsense website for more on user virtualization. They spend much time talking about your scenerio. I hope this is useful.


Thanks for the info, We just have a single domain LAN site, so thats a non issue.  i will look into the appsense software though.  Thanks!

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