VMware Horizon Community

Desktop assignment failed. Pool removed automatically?

Hello together

During a daily support task the vmware view (5.0 incl. linked clone) enviroment encountered an unexpected error. A few seconds later, the

One of our tech tried to assign a new user to a new virtual desktop which is a one of many routine jobs in our company.

Seconds later the whole Pool became responseless.

I have been contacted and in the connection server logs i found the following *very strange* entries. In the same second, a new user has been assigned, the pool has been disabled and deleted. My tech did not deleted anything.


[ CMP\tech023 | Audit success | 04.01.12 10:44:28 | Administrator Console | CMP\tech023 removed Pool CHRZH_WINXP_BACKOFFICE]

[ CMP\tech023 | Audit success | 04.01.12 10:44:28 | Administrator Console | CMP\tech023 set provisioning for Pool CHRZH_WINXP_BACKOFFICE to disabled ]

[ CMP\tech023 | Audit success | 04.01.12 10:44:28 | Administrator Console | CMP\tech023 set Pool CHRZH_WINXP_BACKOFFICE to disabled ]

[ CMP\tech023 | Audit success | 04.01.12 10:44:28 | Administrator Console | CMP\tech023 assigned Desktop TW_09 to CMP.local\kenobi ]


In the windows logs of the active connection server we found additional informations:

Information    04.01.2012 10:47:58    VMware View    102    VMware View    HA message took a long time to process: 3533: REQUEST


Information    04.01.2012 10:47:55    VMware View    102    VMware View    VirtualCenter https://ESX_VC_01:443/sdk is currently unavailable - attempting to reconnect


Information    04.01.2012 10:47:55    VMware View    103    VMware View    VC_OUTAGE:Url:https://ESX_VC_01:443/sdk


Information    04.01.2012 10:47:55    VMware View    102    VMware View    Problem while performing VC operation: '
Attribute xsi:nil not allowed on element _this, which is not nillable.

while parsing call information for method Destroy_Task
at line 1, column 227

while parsing SOAP body
at line 1, column 213

while parsing SOAP envelope
at line 1, column 38

while parsing HTTP request for method destroy
on object of type vim.ManagedEntity
at line 1, column 0'


What the hell was going on? I m VERY confused because we lost a whole productive pool during a normal business day! We have still A LOT of trouble. May some1 help me with this ..?

Thanks alot

and best wishes

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4 Replies


     Check the following information http://www.vmware.com/pdf/view31_command_line_tool.pdf

Hope this information helps you.

Im a nobody.. nobodys perfect.. therefore IM PERFECT!!! http://www.imagicon.info/cat/5-59/vbulletin-smile.gif

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Unfortunately the command line tools dont help to find out was happen to the system. thanks anyway for the link Smiley Happy

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Vintera, given the situation it would probably be best if you could open a ticket with VMware support.   I haven't seen this before so I don't think it's typical behavior.   

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Hi vintera,

Did you get any resolution on this?

For me this log line looks exactly like a View Administrator Event.(page 20 view integration guide)

ADMIN_REMOVE_DESKTOP_SUCCEEDED   AUDIT_SUCCESS     {UserDisplayName} removed Pool ${DesktopId}

[ CMP\tech023 | Audit success | 04.01.12 10:44:28 | Administrator Console | CMP\tech023 removed Pool CHRZH_WINXP_BACKOFFICE]

And the module which generated this event is 'Administrator Console'. May be the tech removed pool by mistake. Smiley Sad

If you have View Events configured, please have a look at the Events for that time.

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