VMware Horizon Community

Horizon View 7 and Thinprint - Location based printing fails to set default printer following upgrade from Horizon 6


since upgrading from Horizon 6  Horizon 7.0.1 , the location based printing - automatic default printing via Thinprint fails to work successfully.

The printers are available when manually set, drivers are installed in gold image , GPO policy is correct and successfully applied to the virtual desktops.

We have reinstalled - tools > horizon agent which has not helped.

With the Thinprint debugging enabled we are seeing the following errors :

19.08.2016 13:48:36:032 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%6940 _CLIENT_ ConnectToClient()...

19.08.2016 13:48:36:035 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%6985 _CLIENT_ Trying Current Protocol with <tmpadmin>

19.08.2016 13:48:36:035 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: Request%265 _CLIENT_ VCReadTimeOut = 130

19.08.2016 13:48:36:036 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: Request%280 _CLIENT_ Trying to connect via [PCOIP] with channel 6...

19.08.2016 13:48:36:037 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%165 _CLIENT_ Virtual channel DLL correctly loaded (ver 0x3002)

19.08.2016 13:48:36:037 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%225 _CLIENT_ Entering DoCommand() ...

19.08.2016 13:48:36:038 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%234 _CLIENT_ Virtual Channel (6) will connect to

19.08.2016 13:48:36:039 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7662 _CLIENT_ SetInVC with 1

19.08.2016 13:48:36:039 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%238 _CLIENT_ Trying to open VChannel.

19.08.2016 13:48:36:146 Id:4984 _ERR_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%246 _CLIENT_     - VChannelOpen() failed (1)!

19.08.2016 13:48:36:152 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7662 _CLIENT_ SetInVC with 0

19.08.2016 13:48:36:152 Id:4984 _ERR_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7185 _CLIENT_ No suitable client protocol found.

19.08.2016 13:48:36:153 Id:4984 _ERR_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7186 _CLIENT_ ConnectToClient returns with -401 (no connect)

19.08.2016 13:48:36:154 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7210 _CLIENT_ entering client message loop

19.08.2016 13:48:36:156 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7430 _CLIENT_ m_uErrorCode is set to 0::0 (try is stays)

19.08.2016 13:48:36:156 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%3044 _CLIENT_ Leaving message loop ..., m_dwThreadTerminateCause set to 36000, m_uErrorCode = 0

19.08.2016 13:48:36:260 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%3112 _CLIENT_ Entering... CloseRequest

19.08.2016 13:48:36:262 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: Request%304 _CLIENT_ Entering... ~CRequest()

19.08.2016 13:48:36:263 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%176 _CLIENT_ Entering... ~CVCRequest

19.08.2016 13:48:36:264 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: VCRequest%214 _CLIENT_ Virtual channel DLL freed!

19.08.2016 13:48:36:266 Id:4984 _ERR_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7027 _CLIENT_ iResult == COMMAND_NOCONNECT, try next (continue)

19.08.2016 13:48:36:268 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7046 _CLIENT_ No suitable client protocol found. with retcode -401

19.08.2016 13:48:36:271 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7425 _CLIENT_ m_uErrorCode is set to 219

19.08.2016 13:48:36:276 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7086 _CLIENT_ Call PrinterCreateListClientName: Name ; SessionId 1

19.08.2016 13:48:36:277 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%6039 _CLIENT_ PrinterCreateList: GPO detected at Software\Policies\Thinprint\TPAutoConnect

19.08.2016 13:48:36:278 Id:4984 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%6098 _CLIENT_ Dynamic printer create table found in GPO.

Other logs include

9.08.2016 11:12:17:120 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%6362 _CLIENT_ Try to create Networkprinter <Kyocera FS-2100DN!,<\\x\Kyocera FS-2100DN,<1>

19.08.2016 11:12:17:121 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%6367 _CLIENT_ Rule: <*,*,*,\\x\Kyocera FS-2100DN In ,*,true,true,true,true,Kyocera FS-2100DN!,true,true,true,true,true,MAC,*,true>

19.08.2016 11:12:17:121 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: PrinterInfo%1255 _CLIENT_ Printer priority: MAP Source, Default Printer, Priority set to <4::Set Default if no other is set, LowPriority>.

19.08.2016 11:12:17:123 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%905 _CLIENT_ List of the #1 printers to be processed, oredered by priority:

19.08.2016 11:12:17:123 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%914 _CLIENT_     #1. Printer <\\x\Kyocera FS-2100DN In US-MusicRoom>, priority: <4::Set Default if no other is set, LowPriority>, matrix source <MAP>, type: <LocalPrinter>, default priority: <1>

19.08.2016 11:12:17:124 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: PrinterInfo%1366 _CLIENT_ Allow default printer changes: 1

19.08.2016 11:12:17:127 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: DLL WTSAbstractionLayer%1003 _CLIENT_ WTSExternQuerySessionInformation try to get original Data for 7

19.08.2016 11:12:17:129 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: DLL WTSAbstractionLayer%1003 _CLIENT_ WTSExternQuerySessionInformation try to get original Data for 5

19.08.2016 11:12:17:131 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%4086 _CLIENT_ WTS Username = <COLSTONS\tmpadmin>

19.08.2016 11:12:17:133 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%4142 _CLIENT_ Try to install printer (disabled:0) (PrinterName=<\\x\Kyocera FS-2100DN>, Destination=<Kyocera FS-2100DN, toBeDeleted=0, fNoTranslation=<1>)

19.08.2016 11:12:17:134 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%3806 _CLIENT_ Calling TPADLLAddPrinter() for printer <\\x\Kyocera FS-2100DN> of class <>, using DLL

19.08.2016 11:12:17:134 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPACApp%7477 _CLIENT_ TPADLLADDPRINTER_FLAGS_CONNECTION = 200

19.08.2016 11:12:17:135 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: DLL WTSAbstractionLayer%1003 _CLIENT_ WTSExternQuerySessionInformation try to get original Data for 255

19.08.2016 11:12:17:240 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: util%1083 _CLIENT_ MAC Adress found via CaranoD: <MAC

19.08.2016 11:12:17:242 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPADLL%148 _CLIENT_ ClientSync() wird ausgeführt...

19.08.2016 11:12:17:242 Id:4188 _INF_/NORM=01h: TPADLL%149 _CLIENT_ AddPrinter: PN=\\vs08\Kyocera FS-2100DN I,PC=,,TYPE=171,DRIVER=,DEST=Kyocera FS-2100DN!,PID=0,SID=1,ADDR=tmpadmin,,CN=pcoip-portal-

19.08.2016 11:12:17:259 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TPAutoConnDll%2403 _SVC_ Dynamic Printer Matrix: While Lines:1 + GrayLines:2

19.08.2016 11:12:17:260 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TPAutoConnDll%2417 _SVC_ fIsPrinterFromPrinterCreateList: DEST=Kyocera FS-2100DN! In US-MusicRoom

19.08.2016 11:12:17:260 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TPAutoConnDll%2438 _SVC_ try maximal 1 printer templates

19.08.2016 11:12:17:261 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: RegKeyEx%%172 _SVC_ CRegKeyEx::Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ThinPrint\TPAutoConnect)

19.08.2016 11:12:17:262 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TPAutoConnDll%807 _SVC_ 1. Versuch NEW Printer added with driver=Kyocera FS-2100DN, port=

19.08.2016 11:12:17:262 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TcpPortMonitor%88 _SVC_ Opening monitor ',XcvMonitor Standard TCP/IP Port' with access 983043.

19.08.2016 11:12:17:264 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: DLL util%626 _SVC_ Parse result succ <1>,<0>,0,<0>

19.08.2016 11:12:17:264 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: DLL util%642 _SVC_ Parse result

19.08.2016 11:12:17:265 Id:5848 (4188) _ERR_/NORM=01h: TcpPortMonitor%161 _SVC_ AddPort (3) failed with error <183>.

19.08.2016 11:12:17:266 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: DLL util%658 _SVC_ TCP Port already exists: Portname  TCP port <9100>.

19.08.2016 11:12:17:267 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TPAutoConnDll%2462 _SVC_ Used rule is: <Kyocera FS-2100DN!

19.08.2016 11:12:17:277 Id:5848 (4188) _INF_/NORM=01h: TPAutoConnDll%3696 _SVC_ Printer <\\x\Kyocera FS-2100DNwas NOT created by TPAC, so it won't be touched: probably printer name duplication.

Has anyone seen something similar following an upgrade ?  We have a case open with VMware Technical Support also.

Thanks in advance.

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