VMware Horizon Community

Instant Clones Smart Provisioning How many and where are CP-Parents are stored/tracked?

When not using Smart Provisioning

I understand that for each unique image created a cp-template is created (cp = clone prep?)

For each datastore one cp-replica is created from the cp-template.

For each ESXI host  x  each data store = one cp-parents are created and stored on separate datastores for every unique image?

Example: 2000 vms on 20 ESXI hosts each with 3 data stores and 2 unique images. How many CP-Parents ?

20 ESXI hosts each with 3 data stores = 20 x 3 = 60 cp-parents per unique image

There are 2 unique images so 120 cp-parents? 

Each ESXI host will have 3 data stores and 2 unique images so 6 (just working it in a different order)

Dude video.JPG

Next is the same thing except with Smart Provisioning. My understanding is that low density is considered less than 12 instant clone VMs on an ESXI host?


Solved: where is the Instant Clone cp-parent? - VMware Technology Network VMTN

In the example above approx 100 instant clones will be on each ESXI host. This is well over 12 so is that:

1 cp-parent per host per datastore? per unique image.... 

1 cp parent x 20 hosts x 3 data stores = 60 cp-parents

is this all that is needed or will it created more cp-parents to cover any resource scarcity? 100/12 = 8 cp-parents?

If a ESXI host does not have any VMs from let's say the second unique image, but it does have instant clones from the second unique image will it only have 1 cp-parent? Guessing not?

The question I am trying to build my understanding to is that if there are multiple unique images with multiple snapshots are the cp-parents randomly distributed through load balancing?  I know they are supposed to auto delete (source:)

Instant-Clone Maintenance Utilities (vmware.com)

I am just having trouble looking through the data stores and knowing how many cp-parent files should be there and to what resources they belong? Any help is greatly appreciated.

but if they don't are there efficient ways of looking up and tracking what cp-parent files belong to what resources?


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