VMware Horizon Community

Newbie Question


I am new to VMware, and new to computing in general. I am wondering what the Terminal Services Pool option is all about in View 4.5? Can someone explain to me in simple terms what a terminal services pool is, and also what terminal services are? I have only started learning about computing recently. What benefit does it give me to use terminal services with view?

Thank you so much.

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3 Replies

Welcome to community welcome to computing...

Terminal service is a feature provided in microsoft server OSs like 2003 and 2008 which enables multiple users to have simultaneous remote session on the same server. or in other words it allows you to have 'n' number of RDP sessions to server.

Terminal services pool in view allows to create a desktop pool with such terminal server machines as sources. basically View connection server will act as a broker for connections to these terminal servers allowing you a single point of management.

You can go through View documentation http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/view_pubs.html and microsoft documentaion http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/bb267379.aspx to know more about these


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Thanks  a lot. That was a great explanation. Just wondering, why would a lot of users want to connect to a windows server 2003 server for example? If i had a windows 2003 server running SQL, why would i need 20 users connecting to this server? Isn't the whole point of a server to sit there silently providing services to users without users interacting with it?

Thanks a lot for all your help.

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Terminal server is a kind of server based computing where multiple user can share application installed on a server.

wikipedia says

"For an enterprise, Terminal Services allows IT departments to install  applications on a central server. For example, instead of deploying  database or accounting software on all desktops, the applications can  simply be installed on a server and remote users can log on and use them  via the Internet. This centralization makes upgrading, troubleshooting, and software management much easier"

Fiind some simple explanations here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_Desktop_Services

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