VMware Horizon Community

Rename a server and restore ADAM database

I know VMware does not support modifications to the computer name or domain name of a View Connection Server. I was wondering if you can change names and IP addresses on a new server before you install Connection Server. I have a connection server CS1.domain.com on Windows 2016 and want to move to a Windows 2019 server. Can I get the new server NewCS.domain.com up and going without installing the Connection Server software, export the ADAM database from CS1, shutdown the old CS1 server, rename NewCS to CS1 and also change IP, install Connection Server on new CS1, and then restore the ADAM database onto the new CS1?

The steps would be:

1) Export the ldf database from CS1.
2) Shutdown CS1.
3) Rename NewCS to CS1 and also change the IP of NewCS to that of old CS1.
4) Install Connection Server on new CS1
5) Restore the ADAM database onto the new CS1

Thank you for any assistance,


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3 Replies

I hope you have gone through the below KBs:


Changing IP:  https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2051923

Changing Name: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2000357 

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I saw those, thank you for the links, but neither really addresses my question. Can you re-name and re-IP a server before you install connection server, then install connection server,  and then import a backup copy of the ADAM database into the server and have everything work.  The articles reference changing names and IP addresses of existing installations of connection server. 

Thank you,

Paul M. 

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Why? I don't see what your trying to do here, there are probably easier ways to do this. Namely install a replica on another server and then remove the orignal instance would be safer then all of this.

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