VMware Horizon Community

Resolution in multiple screens

I have a laptop, running Window, on which VMware Horizon Client (2212.1) is installed. It's connected to two other screens. The Horizon is configured to use only these two screens, so my normal work is on one Windows screen (the Laptop) and two Linux. However, when I'm working from home, Horizon naturally uses my Laptop screen.

Once in a few days the resolution of the two screens shift abruptly, giving me a low resolution in which it's hard to work (for example, a Firefox window's tabs line shows only 14 open tabs, while it can show about >20 when it's in the higher resolution). After a few days, it can jump back, without any explanation. Needless to say, these jumps happen without me changing the configuration of anything in anyway.

From all my trials and tests (with xrandr and the Mate's display preferences) I infer that it has to do with Horizon (although I can always be wrong). It may be connected to switching from 3-screens to 1-screen mode (that it, it may happen after a day I worked from home. Note sure, though).

The output of xrandr contains something like " vmw-autofit-1920x1080-Virtual1 57.95* ", so I figured it may be connected to the autofit. In "settings" there's a "Allow Display Scaling" option, but turning it on only makes thing worse (that is, even a lower resolution).

Any ideas? Thanks!

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2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Can you provide the full output of xandr in the case where the problem occurs?

Another thing worth trying when the problem occurs is to exit fullscreen mode and then re-enter it.

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Following this thread in case some answer pops up.  I have a user having a similar problem - when switching between working from home (laptop that runs Horizon Viewer 7.5.6) and office (Horizon Terminal), the resolution would be too low and everything would be too big.

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