VMware Horizon Community

Unable to create new VM - Desktop Composer VcFault:

We just updated to Vsphere v4.0.0 build 208111and since then when trying to create link cloned pools I get the following errors:

Pool cn=ba9ac31d-2ce6-43e9-bb25-4239e6615804,ou=virtualcenter,ou=properties,dc=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int::Unable to create new VM - Desktop Composer VcFault: see event log for full error

Desktop Composer VcFault: see event log for full error - Unknown - <NoPermissionFault xmlns="urn:internalvim25" xsi:type="NoPermission" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><object type="Datastore" serverGuid="428A0946-57E8-481C-8671-03EF22F29AFE">datastore-6377</object><privilegeId>Datastore.AllocateSpace</privilegeId></NoPermissionFault>

When I check the composer error logs I see the following:

2010-05-13 07:03:56,578 | WFE thread 6 | INFO | ServiceCore.WorkflowEngine.CreateSingleCloneTask - Action VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.Action.ReplicationAction failed. Task 26ddf353-2664-4fc6-a5a7-48db27039dd9 finished in Failed state.

2010-05-13 07:03:56,890 | WFE thread 1 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - Multiple releases are reuiqred for SimClone with ids: 2071c3a8-37a2-4010-b5b9-95e2af581551

2010-05-13 07:03:56,890 | WFE thread 1 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for DeploymentGroup with id: 6758c36e-80f0-44c9-a12b-1442d5032672

2010-05-13 07:03:56,890 | WFE thread 1 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for AdConfigEntry with id: 97bd84d0-6fb5-433e-8017-66d977035936

2010-05-13 07:03:56,890 | WFE thread 1 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: 59af90e3-9fe8-41be-a225-de624f682054

2010-05-13 07:03:59,625 | 3 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for DeploymentGroup with id: 6758c36e-80f0-44c9-a12b-1442d5032672

2010-05-13 07:03:59,781 | 3 | INFO | Sim.ServiceCore.SimServiceApiImpl - CreateSviClones was called for deployment group 6758c36e-80f0-44c9-a12b-1442d5032672, for 1 clones.

2010-05-13 07:03:59,781 | 3 | INFO | Sim.ServiceCore.SimServiceApiImpl - Received a request to create 1 clones for deployment group 6758c36e-80f0-44c9-a12b-1442d5032672. Filed as request id abb1a1af-4551-447d-a226-ef97cac45278

2010-05-13 07:03:59,781 | 3 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for AdConfigEntry with id: 97bd84d0-6fb5-433e-8017-66d977035936

2010-05-13 07:03:59,781 | 3 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: 59af90e3-9fe8-41be-a225-de624f682054

2010-05-13 07:04:00,016 | 3 | INFO | ServiceCore.Action.UfaInitializeDiskAction - Created an UfaInitializeDiskAction with total disks 1.

2010-05-13 07:04:00,016 | 3 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - Multiple lock are required for SimClone with ids: b26f2dea-1b44-4080-8c7c-12fffbc64217

2010-05-13 07:04:00,156 | WFE thread 8 | INFO | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25 - Vc operation failed.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Permission to perform this operation was denied.

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

at VimApi.InternalVimService.CreateLinkedClone_Task(ManagedObjectReference _this, String vmName, String dsPath, Boolean overwrite)

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.CreateLinkedCloneMethod.Invoke()

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.VcExceptionHandler`1.Invoke()

2010-05-13 07:04:02,156 | WFE thread 8 | FATAL | ServiceCore.Action.VcAction - The VC Operation failed with error: VMware.Sim.CommonLib.Exception.SimVcSubsystemException: NoPermissionFault fault was thrown by the VC server: https://xx.xx.xx.xx:443/sdk. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Permission to perform this operation was denied.

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

at VimApi.InternalVimService.CreateLinkedClone_Task(ManagedObjectReference _this, String vmName, String dsPath, Boolean overwrite)

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.CreateLinkedCloneMethod.Invoke()

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.VcExceptionHandler`1.Invoke()

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.HandleVimException(Exception e)

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.VcExceptionHandler`1.Invoke()

at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.AsynchronousVcMethod.Invoke(), Machine Name: MAI01998, Timestamp: 5/13/2010 11:04:00 AM, App Domain Name: SviWebService.exe, Thread Identity: , Windows Identity: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2, vcFaultName: NoPermissionFault vcFaultDetails: System.Xml.XmlElement

Do the permissions change when upgrading to VSphere?


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2 Replies

Please check the View Admin Guide. There is a description on which permissions are needed.



Don't forget to award the points if this answer was helpful for you.


http://communities.vmware.com/blogs/dommermuth |

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We just updated to Vsphere v4.0.0 build 208111

Which version did you run before upgrading to vCenter 4.0 U1? Virtual Center 2.5 or vCenter 4.0?

Did you also upgrade to View 4.0.1 (Connection server, Composer, ...)?

Make sure it's not a compatibility issue.

In case of a View upgrade read KB1015858 - Best practices for upgrading to VMware View 4.0


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