VMware Horizon Community

View Composer agent initialization state error (2): Failed to redirect profiles directory (waited 0 seconds)


i've recently started getting the following error message (the waited n seconds does vary occasionally):

"View Composer agent initialization state error (2): Failed to redirect profiles directory (waited 0 seconds)"

Persistent Windows7 x32 VMs, running on 2 ESXi 4 hosts, using View 4:

<span class="label">Parent VM:

<span class="detail">/Comp/vm/Windows7Basex32

<span class="label">Image:

<span class="detail">/BaseInstall/Office/Matlab/VS2008/SQL

Mgmt/Updates for Office 2007 installed/Acrobat+Updates/Windows Remote

Desktop Perms + View Agent

<span class="label">User data disk:

<span class="detail">E:

<span class="label">User data disk size:

<span class="detail">384 MB

<span class="label">Virtual machine folder:

<span class="detail">/Comp/vm/Windows7

<span class="label">Host or Cluster:

<span class="detail">/Comp/host/Desktop

<span class="label">Resource pool:

<span class="detail">/Comp/host/Desktop/Resources

<span class="label">Using vSphere mode:

<span class="detail">Yes

Things were going fine for over a month up until they subnet the Virtual destkops are on was changed, and put into a different firewall zone. We've ruled this out as the cause, since we've allowed all traffic through the firewall. But it stil seems coincidental - the problems happened the same day. I'm not able to go back to the previous subnet.

Since then, i've done a complete re-install of Windows7 and apps, and this problem still persists.

i've read other threads on the communities relating to this problem, with people suggesting that the user data disk was too small. I've increased the size of the user disk up into 10s of GB and there's still the problem even when deploying a new pool.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas!


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6 Replies



svmNga run on 2/13/2010, 19:43


SvmFindPersistentDisks: Drive map is 0x0000003D.

Status: 0xC0000034 NtCreateFile(\??\C:\simvol.dat)

SvmMountPDisks: No need to relocate disk with usage 2, index 0

SvmMountPDisks: No need to relocate disk with usage 1, index 1

SvmMountPDisks: No need to relocate disk with usage 0, index 2

NtQueryValueKey Failed: 0xC0000034

SvmRegQueryValueKeyA Failed 0xC0000034

SvmApplyProfilesPolicy: Relocating profiles folders to \??\E:

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Music. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Pictures. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Videos. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Application Data. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point History. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Temporary Internet Files. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Application Data. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Cookies. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Music. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Pictures. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Videos. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Local Settings. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point My Documents. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point NetHood. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point PrintHood. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Recent. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point SendTo. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Start Menu. Ignoring.

SvmCopyDirectory: Found reparse point Templates. Ignoring.

Status: 0xC0000022 NtCreateFile(\??\E:\Users\ProgramData.bak\Microsoft\WwanSvc\Profiles)

SvmDeleteFile: could not open file \??\E:\Users\ProgramData.bak\Microsoft\WwanSvc\Profiles. Status: 0xC0000022

SvmDeleteDirectory: Could not delete dir \??\E:\Users\ProgramData.bak\Microsoft\WwanSvc\Profiles. Status: 0xC0000022

SvmDeleteDirectory: Could not delete dir \??\E:\Users\ProgramData.bak\Microsoft\WwanSvc. Status: 0xC0000022

SvmDeleteDirectory: Could not delete dir \??\E:\Users\ProgramData.bak\Microsoft. Status: 0xC0000022

SvmRelocateProfilesFolder: Failed to backup existing ProgramData directory \??\E:\Users\ProgramData. Status: 0xC0000022

SvmApplyProfilesPolicy: Failed to relocate profiles folder to \??\E:. Status: 0xC0000022

SvmApplyPolicy: Done setting the clone's identity with error.



2010-02-13 19:44:01,305 (1428) INFO CSvmGaService - (svmGaService.cpp, 81) Initialized the Service

2010-02-13 19:44:01,321 (1428) INFO CSvmGaService - (svmGaService.cpp, 156) Found policy file on the volume:

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1428) INFO CSvmGaService - (svmGaService.cpp, 218) Successfully parsed the policy and disk signatures

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1428) INFO CSvmGaService - (svmGaService.cpp, 265) Starting the state machine thread

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO SvmStateMachine - (SvmStateMachine.cpp, 66) C'tructed StateMachine

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO RestoringCheckpoint - (RestoringCheckpoint.cpp, 59) In RestoringCheckpoint

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO RestoringCheckpoint - (RestoringCheckpoint.cpp, 72) Not yet checkpointed

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO Customizing - (Customizing.cpp, 56) In Customizing

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO KwikPrep - (KwikPrep.cpp, 62) In KwikPrep

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO CSvmGaService - (svmGaService.cpp, 301) Service is in state: 4

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO WaitingForSysprepStart - (WaitingForSysprepStart.cpp, 69) Sysprep is not enabled

2010-02-13 19:44:02,392 (1472) INFO MonitoringVolumes - (MonitoringVolumes.cpp, 65) MonitoringVolumes

2010-02-13 19:44:02,408 (1472) FATAL Customizing - (Customizing.cpp, 66) Customization failed with: 2

2010-02-13 19:44:58,111 (1376) INFO CSvmGaService - (svmGaService.cpp, 332) user logon.

0 Kudos

Hi mdaitc1234,

I've exactly the same problems with a Windows 7 and a Windows XP image.

For View i'm using the builds 210939. For vCenter 208111 and vSphere 208167.

Which builds of View Composer, vCenter and View are you using?

I can't remember i've had these problems with the bèta's...



0 Kudos

Hey I am getting same error message.

The VM: /NUWVIC/vm/Virtual Desktops/NUWVDT/NUWVD001 - encountered an error: 23/02/10 10:07:35 AM EST: View Composer agent initialization state error (2): Failed to redirect profiles directory (waited 0 seconds)

It appears be causing my (linked clone) Virtual desktop deployment to stall as it is not registering its self on the domain as i would have expected

Has anyone found a solution to this?

0 Kudos

I've just hit the same issue with a proof-of-concept installation at a customer with Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit.

I'm using View 4.0.1 build-233023 and am out of ideas, the errors in the logs match exactly and it seems to hit random VMs. Once they are in the error state the only way to resolve it, is to remove the VM (i.e. to discard the user profile information).

This makes obviously a bad proof-of-concept. Any help is appreciated!

0 Kudos


we have the same issue.

The XP pool work if the user data was put on the system disk, but not if I redirect user data on different disk.

Thank you in advanced.

Giovanni Coa

0 Kudos

We are also having the exact same problem. We are using Windows 7 x32 with View 4.0.1. Our user disks and OS disks are on the same VMFS currently. I've tried a variant of the steps listed in this KB article with no success:


Has anyone made any progress with this issue?



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