VMware Horizon Community

View XP Client and Windows 7 Virtual Desktop - Roaming profile best practice

Hi All,

Some background:

In one of our View Projects, End users clients that are installed on WinXP (Existing PC with all the existing customer's organization applications) + View client 4.6 installed which connects to a Win7 virtual desktop.

We are using currently Roaming profile on a fileshare and also home folder redirection. All dekstops are floating linked clones. All applications are virtualized (3rd party called install free - very neat).

Anyhow, the question is as follows:

Currently, since the customer doesn't have any DR solution in place (early pilot phase-now starting to go into production gradually), they're keeping the existing clients as backup with all the existing applications on the pysical PC. on a regular basis, they will work on the VDI client, but as a backup in case problem with the VDI, they can continue working with the physcial PC.

As mentioned before, local physical PC is WinXP, but remote virtual desktop is Win7. Both of them with different roaming profile (V1 / V2) and therefore anything the user changes in his Win7 profile, is not synced/merged into the WinXP profile...

I am quite aware of some 3rd party options such as Liquidware Labs or Imidio that may do profile unity.  but the question - can this be done/fixed/tweaked purely with Microsoft roaming profile? maybe group policies or registry settings? I am open to any suggestions.

Now of course, all is working perfectly if we use a Win7 as the OS of the physical client instead of WinXP but this is not acceptable solution by the customer, as they have mass of WinXP clients and it is way too much work for now.

Any creative advise...:smileyconfused: ?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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3 Replies

Do they have Enterprise license for thier enviroment?

-Dwayne Lessner
0 Kudos

Well yes, they have vsphere ENT Plus and View Premier licenses. That covers it all...

0 Kudos

If you mean Microsoft Licenses then this is no issue as well. The thing is that the customer is not interested in getting into this right now. too much effort on their side.

Any other ideas?

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