VMware Horizon Community

Wait 60 mins to put VM´s into standby mode?


Is there any way to change the interval on how long to wait until a VM is set to standy after the user logs off? It looks like default is approx 1 minute or so after the user logs off? Is there a way to change this to 60 or 90 minutes? (I know it is not in the GUI)

We are using View for meeting rooms, and If a user logs on from his desk to prepare for the meeting we would like the desktop to be active when he logs on to the thin client in the meeting room within an hour or so.

Any help appreciated,

Regards Asbjorn

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2 Replies


Hi Cristoph and thanks for the link to the article. This will unfortunately not help me as we want to encourage users to disconnect instead of logging off.

VMware support has now confirmed that it is not possible to adjust the time before the VMs are put into standby mode. As a workaround I have created a powershell script that are run every night to suspend any View VM running. (requires the VI toolkit and powershell)

Here is the script:

connect-VIserver vc01

get-vm view* | where-Object {$_.powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"} | suspend-vm -confirm:$false

Save the script as suspend-vm.ps1

Create a batch file to launch the script and schedule it using the Windows Scheduler

C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VIToolkitForWindows\vim.psc1" -NoProfile c:\suspend-vm.ps1



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