Configuring SNMP(v1/v2) in VCSA (using appliancesh)

Configuring SNMP(v1/v2) in VCSA (using appliancesh)

Please follow the below steps to configure SNMP on VCSA:

1. SSH to your VCSA machine.

2. Switch to appliance shell using the command 'applaincesh'

(Enter the password when prompted)

3. The command 'snmp.set --help' will give all options that can be used to configure SNMP.


        snmp.set [--help/-h] --notraps STR --targets STR --users STR

         --syscontact STR --port INT --communities STR --loglevel STR

         --privacy ENUM --engineid STR --remoteusers STR

         --syslocation STR --authentication ENUM --v3targets STR

Example: Enable SNMP in v1/v2c mode:

  • snmp.enable
  • snmp.set --communities <community_string>
  • snmp.set --targets <IP>@<Port>/<community_string>
  • snmp.test (sends a test trap to configured target)


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1 of 1
Last update:
‎03-28-2018 12:03 AM
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